Trina Wade- skeeting on everybody
3 min readSep 29, 2023

As I sit here furious at the temporary housing that Marriott provides while the air I breathe is poisoned, while the US government has done nothing to protect my civil rights in the USA, and I’m being gatekept like Anne Frank and not allowed to speak to anyone real at the Department of Justice, I’m worried about my teenage daughter. I went to Washington DC and was greeted at the door by an insurance representative I recognized as an Evelyn family member, prominent health insurance people in Palm Beach County Florida and friends with the Trump family. Obviously they don’t want the extreme malfeasance of his and Novak’s narcissistic selfish “quest for Hollywood fame and opportunities ” for every useless ass kissing piece of garbage just so their uneducated annoying as hell offspring can become famous spying on my Neuralink and stealing not only my comedy (I have stayed alive and have not killed myself nor other people making fun of these roaches and I have wanted to do comedy since high school) I hope to write an book in with comedic flair, an expose of health insurance business in Miami and despite being a licensed insurance agent, I always wanted to make my sense of humor a part of my career, and this page turning masterpiece novel about the most entitled worst people on earth — My former coworkers but I still need to get this story out because there are so many uncharged federal fraud cases and honestly I should lobby for checks and balances with these insurance companies and their employees misusing the government, their connections, and anyone they can just because someone pissed them off once. Many of them such as Mack Perry and Lance Laws who likely brought those fake AI doctors to harm the public, were spying on private cell phone along with my young child’s phone at the time, plus they rubbed it my face and got their police connections to traffic out my phone. This leads me to believe that they are pedophiles and perverts who need to be completely exposed for their actions. I heard Novaks son, a fat redhead who is a very condescending man where everything has to be “exact” and “perfect” is trying to write this for me but he is just committing plagiarism and computer fraud. He may have Neuralink but he’s certainly not tortured to death because he can code and has control over his own chip, and his dad is likely Rich Novak in the C suite of a health insurance carrier. I doubt anyone would want an ugly ass torture pet, rumored to be named Justin, now matter how desperate the sadist. He is currently threatening to have me arrested for crimes I didn’t commit. Rich bragged on a conference call with Scott Evelyn about his ties to the CIA and how his “CIA boys” will take care of everything. I doubt Gertrude is as top secret as you think, considering all of the people at my job, a public sector employer, knew about it and as a matter of fact all of the brokers and my neighbors knew as well. Lots of these men who have access call themselves “incels” are like this and instead of this fine gentleman they mostly seem like “Prick cops” and seem to be Spanish and very rude and condescending so I posted an old meme. My damn coworkers were allowed to spy on my private innermost thoughts and obviously with how I am Neuralink destroyed my career, because I hate these people. Whomever did this- likely Chris “shit stain” Long who probably goes by another name now, and Rich Novak and a bunch of insurance dusties, who will do anything for 15 minutes of fame.

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Trina Wade- skeeting on everybody

Exposing the health insurance industry and the power they have with government in a humorous way. I still need help from the DOJ!