A Killer Application: What Does It Take?

Trinh Tran
5 min readJan 5, 2019


Job seeking is kinda like ‘a pain in the arse’, isn’t it? The feeling of sending over a meticulously designed CV and well written cover letter that you spend hours on, and waiting for only one single word from the recruiter is not comfortable. If you are lucky, they stay a bit longer on your application and take you to the next round. Otherwise, it is usually said that recruiters glance at your résumé for only a few seconds.

Rather than trying your luck and keeping your fingers crossed every time you click ‘Submit your Application’, do it at your best that the chance of receiving a NO can be lowered.

How about making a killer application?

Yes, I just said a killer application, not a killer cover letter. Please don’t get it wrong that I am going to tell you a list of ‘DOs’ and ‘DON’Ts’ in your resume. Writing style is yours. Design is about an eye for details. This time, I will tell you what a killer application that may enhance your chance to go further takes. Tips, tricks, secrets… Call it whatever you want. The only three takeaways are: accuracy, consistency, and passion.


Accuracy here is nothing more than being right. What I mean by being right is the right job, the right skills, the right experience and the right person.

At this point, you may ask me how you know whether it is the right job for you. It is definitely not about the job that totally fits you or is meant for you. The right job here is the one that matches you at your current stage of growth. Don’t you dare to apply for a senior position when you know for sure there is a lot that you need to learn?

To put it differently, why do you think you are ultimately asked to choose your specialization? A bachelor of business administration can be a marketer, an analyst, a general manager, or anything related to business. Let’s be more specific. A developer can be a front-end or a back-end or even a full-stack. The point is where you belong to.

The point is where you belong to.

After determining the right job, the right skills set and experience are the utmost. I can’t stress enough how the right scope of skills and experience gives a boost to your application. Imagine you are an headhunter, trust me, you never want to read an application for the position of digital communication strategist with data analyzing skills or mediocre marketing expertise.

The last I mentioned is the right person. How many times have you started your cover letter with ‘to whom it may concern’? I am not saying it is right or wrong to do so. Sometimes, I still write it in my cover letter. Addressing the right person shows your respect, time and effort spent on the application. If the contact person is stated right there in the job ad, then perfect, go ahead. Another trick is browsing the company’s website. The best is you will find the name of the HR manager. Otherwise, address to the HR department/team’s inbox, not the general one.


I was thinking about the word ‘coherence’, but it does not seem to be all I want to say. It’s ‘consistency’. That’s it. It is the state, ability of always performing in a similar way.

The first thing is the design of your application including résumé and cover letter. No matter how minimal your style is, please be sure to apply the same style to both sheets of paper you are going to send over. Aesthetic value is a plus.

Beyond consistency in design, allow me to tell you my one story that some of you must have encountered once in a lifetime. I usually created a cover letter template and would make a new copy then edit the recruiter’s details. Sound relatable?

Three years ago, I aspired to be an intern at a hotel in a beach city in Greece. Everything was flawless till I clicked ‘Send’ and immediately spotted that my cover letter stated two different companies. I had to accept that I would never hear from the hotel. Who accepts a candidate that does not even bother to edit and double check their cover letter? Thanks to that mistake, I always tell myself to check and make sure I do not mention two recruiting companies in a letter. (Though I still do the ‘copy-and-paste-the-template’. LOL)

Consistency is not a big hit, yet makes a difference.

All I would like to say about ‘consistency’ is showing the recruiter that you are able to present the similar quality. It is no misleading or misunderstanding on creativity and/or improvement. The similar quality refers to your performance in design, your attention to details, your persistence till the end of the process. Consistency is not a big hit, yet makes a difference to your image. And a minor difference will lead to a big change. Who knows?


One of the most common mistake candidates ever make is telling their story of previous (working) experience in their cover letter. If it really helps, then why does résumé exist? One more thing I recently learnt is that, a title even discloses what you are in charge of. Thus, it is not necessary to list out what kind of tasks you were given.

It is understandable that you write down what you have done and learnt in your first couple of cover letters. However, once you have sketched your trait and built your profile, tell that story.

Once you have sketched your trait and built your profile, tell that story.

Passion significantly makes sense to the first key ‘accuracy’. You know you are applying for the right job, you’ve got the right skills and experience. It is all because you are passionate about what you have been doing. Your passion and dedication deserve being told. This is a shot to win the recruiter’s attention. Or at least, among those telling-the-previous-experience letters, yours stands out.

That wraps up what it takes to have a killer application. Of course, different factors such as your major, your skills, your focus, etc. may affect the final shape of your application. Including all three takeaways does not mean your application is perfect that no one will reject. Though, I believe accuracy, consistency and passion are the key to enhance your possibility and give your profile more potential. A little bit better is already better.

Job hunting season is starting. Go create an upgraded version of your application stuffing those three takeaways. Good luck and see you in my next article! :)



Trinh Tran

Digital Marketing and Communication enthusiast | Language learner | Doer | To-be Marketer