Uncovering the Symbolism in “Saltburn”

A Journey Through Greek Mythology and Surrealism

4 min readJan 10, 2024

As I immersed myself in Emerald Fennell’s enigmatic film “Saltburn,” I couldn’t help but be captivated by the layers of symbolism woven throughout the narrative. This cinematic masterpiece takes us on a journey through Greek mythology, Surrealism, and personal interpretations, offering a rich tapestry of themes and meanings. In this article, I’ll guide you through the symbols that give “Saltburn” its depth and complexity.

The Enigmatic Minotaur

At the heart of “Saltburn” lies the enigmatic figure of the Minotaur, a creature from Greek mythology. This half-human, half-bull being symbolizes a complex duality — neither fully human nor entirely beast. The Minotaur’s existence serves as a disruptive, powerful, and necessary force in the film, much like it did in the eyes of Surrealists who found inspiration in its imagery.

The Labyrinthine Maze

The estate’s maze, where Felix’s murder takes place, becomes a metaphorical labyrinth symbolizing life’s complexity and the challenge of navigating its twists and turns. As viewers, we are drawn into this maze alongside the characters, mirroring the confusion and intrigue that envelops them.




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