Creating a User Persona will Simplify Your Design

3 min readNov 18, 2022


Hello everyone:)

Do you know what a User Persona is?

User persona is one of the tools UX designers can use to better understand their users. With this user persona, it will be easier for you to find design solutions that are ultimately able to create a user-friendly application experience.

To develop a good user persona requires resources and a lot of time to create a user persona that is accurate and reflects the actual behavior of the audience. Often what happens is that the team does a bit of a user interview process, collects a little bit of data and even creates user profiles from their own experiences. User personas created in this way will have the detrimental effect of the intended purpose of finding user validation.

So that you can develop a good user persona, here are various ways to create a user persona.

1. Collect data

Doing research on users is the first step that needs to be done in creating a user persona. You can use user research from the list of actual users you have. Take a few samples and you can start creating a user persona.

2. Form a hypothesis

The next way to do user persona is to form a hypothesis from the results of previous research. Later you will form a general idea of ​​the various users in a project’s focus area by using empathy maps or affinity diagrams.

3. Set the amount

You can create multiple user personas at the same time that are closest to the expectations of the target audience. However, what often happens is only one persona for each service or product. Even if you want to create several personas, make sure that you will focus on the one that is closest to the valid expectations.

4. Clarify the persona

A good persona will not come from a persona with little data. Precisely to make it valid you have to describe the persona in detail starting from: Entering detailed information related to the persona profile with information about education, attitudes, behavior, lifestyle, interests, goals, desires, needs to limitations. Name the persona. Create a page that describes the persona description. Add personal trait details to make the persona look like a realistic character.

5. Prepare scenarios for personas

Because the presence of a persona is indeed to solve problems, it is necessary to prepare for various scenarios that occur. To make it, you must be able to predict what situations the user persona might experience in the application you are designing at this time to the challenges in the future.

6. Involve more people

In making this user persona, it is hoped that all team members will participate in its development. This is done as a way for this user persona to be accepted and recognized by team members. You can involve them by directly asking their opinion or letting them actively participate.

7. Make regular adjustments

The presence of a good user persona does not exist only temporarily. Rather, it continues to be updated regularly by revising the persona description such as adding new information and aspects to it. Sometimes you even have to rewrite existing charm descriptions by adding old personas or removing parts of them.

Those are some of the components that you should pay attention to in making a User Persona, good luck trying to make it guys😊

