Try This Morning Routine For Quick, Easy Wins Each Day

Atticus Strongbow
6 min readSep 29, 2020


Win stacking 101!!!

Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

First things first — I hate mornings. I hate waking up. I’m a night owl at heart with a day job that requires an early morning wake up. Many days it is still dark out when my alarm goes off. I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I HATE IT!

For most of my life not only has it been a challenge to get out of bed in the morning but it also took an inordinate amount of time for my body to actually wake up. I would slowly drag myself around the house executing my morning preparations before going off to work. Most days I was still pretty sleepy when I walked out the door to start my day. It was the worst. I wouldn’t fully wake up until mid morning.

A few years ago I embarked upon a personal development journey and at that time I targeted my morning slog as an area that needed improvement. It was an easy choice, really. I remember the breaking point was the day (full week?) when I would look back at my bed and think that the best part of that (still new) day would be the moment I could crawl back into that bed.

I needed a shock to the system. I needed to shake things up. I needed growth and progress. I needed to get the juices flowing. I realized that if I could build a simple morning routine that was based on “easy, quick, wins” I could set myself up for a great start to my day and leave behind the perpetual morning zombie walk that ensued.

Quick……..Easy…….. Wins!!!

That’s what this routine is built upon. It doesn’t take very long but embedded inside are opportunities for physical movement as well as cognitive engagement that properly stimulates my body ( in a healthy fashion ) so that I can seize the day!

Here it is………….

Step 1 (Countdown to rising)

Upon hearing the dreaded alarm, instead of hitting snooze, I begin counting backwards from 30. This immediately gets my brain working ever so slightly but also gives my body a brief reprieve from leaping out of bed. The brain engagement starts the process of waking up while also not being too jarring. I am taking care of myself while also setting in motion my first win of the day — actually getting out of bed! When I reach the end of the countdown — no excuses — the feet hit the floor!

First Win = I’m out of bed!

Step 2 (Hydration)

Most days require a quick trip to the bathroom. Immediately after that you must hydrate yourself! I keep a tall glass of water at my bedside and will sometimes sip it through out the night. Since I already have the water available to me, the next thing I do after returning from the bathroom is drink the entire glass of water as quickly as I comfortably can ( which for me, is pretty quickly ). You are now re-hydrating your body within the first few minutes of waking. This will replenish your body and mind. Most people lack general hydration throughout the day and by doing this you are starting yourself off on the right foot, not to mention quickly and easily securing your second win!

Second Win = I’m properly hydrated!

Step 3 (Make your bed)

We were all taught at an early age to make our bed. However, it was probably framed by our parents as a must do chore to keep our bedrooms neat and tidy. Thusly, you might have grown up not valuing it’s place in your daily routine or worse — a pain that just adds to the list of things that you must do. I would like you to rethink the reason for making your bed. You are being productive. It’s quick and easy to do. YOU HAVE JUST ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING. The look of a made bed can instantly brighten your outlook. It’s an easy win and you are now on your way to stacking more wins!

Third Win = I accomplished something!

Step 4 (Movement)

This step is where some people will probably wish to customize. Some people will likely go for a run or opt for a strength training routine. Some would prefer a yoga session. If you choose one of those options that is awesome and you will definitely reap the benefits from those choices.

However, maybe you don’t have the time or desire to log a full exercise session in the early morning. I know I don’t and that is why is chose targeted movements that give me “bang for my buck” while also producing results and yes……another easy win.

My routine has evolved in to the following:

  1. I literally bounce and shake my body for about 15 seconds — this further wakes (shocks?, LOL) my body up and prepares the blood and oxygen flow.
  2. Crossing the mid line — simple movements that force your arms and legs to cross the mid line of your body engage your brain and, in turn, wakes you up further. This is because the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body and vice versa. Simple examples of movements include touching your opposite shoulder with your hand, tapping your foot on the floor across your body, reaching across your body, or (my personal favorite) touching a knee to the opposite side elbow. Just make sure to return to the original starting position following each movement. I recommend 5 to 10 repetitions of each movement. You could even add some music to make it more fun. Who knows, maybe you will start a new dance craze!
  3. Quick Yoga — if you’re like me you have a few minor ailments from lifestyle or aging. I have lower back and hamstring tightness. To combat this I have chosen to complete 2 Sun Salutations and a series of Cat / Cow movements. It doesn’t take long and it keeps my body in good working order. Connecting my breath to my movement also adds a meditative benefit to my routine.
  4. Planking — I choose this exercise for my routine because I want to strengthen my core and planking is one of the best ways to accomplish that. I started out setting a timer for 30 seconds and added time as I improved. I am currently planking for 2 minutes each day and I have also seen increased strength and definition in my arm, shoulder, and pectoral muscles from just two minutes of engagement per day!
  5. Bonus — Mind Engagement! While I am planking I also challenge my mind by completing the NY Times Mini Crossword Puzzle on my phone. In doing this I am working my brain at the same time I’m challenging my body. Added benefit — the brain engagement takes my mind off of the physical challenge and makes the time fly. Of course, I try to complete the puzzle before the timer goes off — and many times I do! WIN, WIN !!!

Fourth Win = You exercised!

Step 5 ( Daily Affirmation )

I could write an entire article (and I plan to!) about the benefits of utilizing a daily affirmation. This is the final part of my quick and easy way to start my day. I have procured ( made my own ) daily affirmations. I have many of them that I choose to display in various parts of my home depending upon what is going on in my life. I love them and they remind me to put things in to proper perspective and stay positive. I have placed one of these affirmations on the wall right next to the door so I that it is the last thing I see before leaving my bedroom to conquer the day. I pause, read, and repeat out loud the affirmation. This serves to help me form the proper mindset going forward and it truly brightens my day because I am CHOOSING a positive mindset to start my day instead of just reacting to what ever happens to me. I am choosing positivity. For me, this is crucial. I have already started my day with some easy wins, and now that I am properly prepared to receive it, I choose positivity and good will for my day.

Fifth Win = Choosing a Positive Mindset

So there you have it — a simple, quick morning routine that allows you to “stack wins”! None of this stuff is ground breaking, but the scaffolded winning is a crucial construct for “winning the day”.

I would love to hear what you think of this routine. Would you change or add/subtract anything? Let me know in the comments!



Atticus Strongbow

Atticus Strongbow is a liver of life. His astute observations and insights will fill your heart and mind and expand your horizons.