Moonbears NFT

7 min readMay 8, 2022

A Zurf x Trippy Production


Gh0stlyGh0sts were the pioneers in Omni-Chain NFTs. I recall it being early in the week of April 4th but the Gh0sts were taking over OpenSea all week! Rightfully so, they innovated and displayed some exciting technology. For the first time we could traverse NFTs from one chain to another. This was a true transfer of the asset, as upon traversing, the NFT gets burnt on the source chain and minted again on the target chain. I was floored by this and began digging. Turns out LayerZero is the magic behind it all!

Whilst traversing had everyone excited, I had noticed that most users find it difficult to understand how it works. Moreover, Gh0sts were expected to learn how to traverse their NFTs via contract. I found this to be rather limiting, especially when you have a plethora of people excited about Omni-Chain NFTs.

I immediately started working on a DAPP allowing anyone to traverse NFTs via a GUI. It was during this time, I had reached out to my favorite alpha caller Zurfilo. I spoke to him at length about what I had been working on and that’s how Moonbears started :).

Zurf & I decided to work together on a “degen” project at 0.01e mint with 4000 NFTs spread across 7 different chains (ETH, BSC, AVAX, POLYGON, ARB, OPTIMISM, FTM). I took care of the tech whilst Zurf worked his artistic, community and marketing skills.

We are continuing to improve the DAPP to make the experience of traversing much easier, we also have some big updates in the pipeline that’s going to bring a lot of ONFT project’s eyes on us.


It’s the name of the game, whilst this was a “degen”, “art/pfp only”, 0.01e mint. Zurf & I had spoke on how we could bring additional utility to our holders. This is what we’ve decided upon:

  1. Dedicated, lightning-fast TrippyNode (RPC Node) for holders with 3 or more bears.
  2. A fresh take on NFT tooling and apps.
  3. Elysium whitelist for holders with 5 or more bears.
  4. Cross collaborations, whitelist giveaways and more.
  5. A fucking awesome community.


Both Zurf & I never properly introduced ourselves to you guys. So lets take the time to do that now!

Zurfilo (@khobi123)

“Just like most NFT traders I come from a heavy background in Crypto, been trading since 2016. Got into NFTs in Feb 2021 and absolutely love it here. It’s the perfect blend of degeneracy and community building. Always been fond of trading NFTs but I enjoyed getting involved in communities more than anything else. Have tons of experience as a community manager as I’ve worked for Dark Horizon and 9 tales for their genesis collection. Currently I’m also an alpha caller for Rugburn’s alpha and that’s where I spend most of my time, they were one of the big reasons as to why I also started Moonbears, seeing the success of so many fellow creators or the lack of delivering from other devs is what lead me to create the Bears/Elysium. I’ve also been working on Elysium’s world and lore for over 4 years and the NFT project in itself since Feb 2021, so I cant wait to show it off to everyone!”

trippyfish (@trippyfish_dev)

“I’m a 30 year old web dev veteran with over a decade of web2 experience. I started programming at a very young age and have been obsessed with it since. I’m also mostly self-taught although I do have a Finance and Computer Science degree. Web3 has been nothing short of AMAZING, the rapid development of technology and all the adrenaline rush with developers iterating everyday reminds me of the early Web2 days. My dream is to transition to Web3 full-time and take advantage of my extensive knowledge with Websites, Servers, APIs, Apps…etc. One thing I love about Web3 is the number of intellectual conversations I have everyday with people all over the world. Truly fascinating and I feel so lucky to be part of this era! All in all, as you can tell, I’m extremely geeky and love to question everything. But when I’m not in front of a terminal I enjoy flipping NFTs, binge-watching Sci-Fi and traveling!”


With so many tools & mint bots entering the market, the importance of having a fast RPC node connection is crucial to the success of NFT investor’s sniping and minting activities. An RPC node is where you send all your blockchain requests to (sending transactions, checking balances, estimating gas…etc).

With your transactions submitted at lightning speed, the only thing stopping your transaction from being mined is the GWEI you submitted the transaction with.

What’s so special about the TrippyNode?

  • We stripped out ALL middleware and are directly hitting the node as soon as your request is received.
  • Servers are scaled to support high-throughput and max concurrency.
  • Our NFT authentication code is proprietary, however, what I can say is it introduces negligible latency due to the nature of our node’s runtime.
  • We’ve restricted use to holders with 3 or more bears. This means a maximum of only 1333 wallets can use the node simultaneously. Compared to some other private nodes in the market, we have the most compute units available for our users.


The most coveted question this week — WEN STATS?!

We wanted to ensure our tests were unbiased and realistic. We’re using industry standard libraries built by INFURA to stress test the nodes at unreasonable conditions (i.e. our node will never ACTUALLY receive this much traffic).

Server we ran the tests on:
AWS Server (m5.large) — 2 vCPUs & 8 GB memory

Locations we ran the tests from:
USA: North Virginia, Oregon
Europe: London

Tests ran:
25 Concurrent requests, Total of 2500 requests
50 Concurrent requests, Total of 5000 requests
75 Concurrent requests, Total of 7500 requests
100 Concurrent requests, Total of 10000 requests
* All tests were ran on 6 different servers simultaneously


How to connect to the node?

Network Name: TrippyNode (Moonbears)
Chain ID: 1
Currency Symbol: ETH
Block Explorer URL:

* Must have 3 or more Moonbears across all 7 chains

What’s next?

After having built our proprietary authentication logic, I’ve realized some key areas we can take advantage of on a node-level. Some ideas we are currently working on:

  1. A real-time stream of transactions that can be subscribed to and made use on a dApp. Allowing us to take that tech and implement it for a variety of different use-cases. (i.e. Listings & Sales feeds, Wallet trackers, Trait Sniping, Reveal Sniping, Minting…etc)
  2. ELYSIUM! Zurf’s baby and will be my obsession for the next few months!

So WTF is Elysium?

Some of you may have already heard rumors, or seen it being discussed in chat. After nearly four years since the creative inception of Elysium and over a year of development, I’m excited to officially give you all the first teaser. As much as I wish I could share everything with you guys right now, I’m going to first leave everyone with a small teaser before more is unveiled in the lite paper coming soon.

Humanity’s greatest achievement was also its greatest undoing. Centuries of world peace, social mankind services across the globe, renewed environmental programs, and behind it all, cutting edge nuclear technology. “The Event” was a computer virus that triggered a chain reaction, setting off every nuclear reactor in the world. Or so we’ve been told. Nothing more exists of the Old World these days except ancient stories and The Toxic Wasteland. The Eight is the New World now. Eight colonies scattered around the world in the few remaining pockets not fully consumed by the toxic gasses that pervade the ecosystem. The Toxic, a poisonous gas so deadly even monsters and demons dare not enter the affected areas. The 8 Oasis exist in isolation, enveloped by the Toxic Wasteland around them. Yet there is a story of hope passed down through the generations, told to children at night- a story of riches untold, a story of an Old World beyond the Eight, a story that contains relics of the past so priceless that they must be paid with the greatest debt of all: life itself. And at the center of this world — the greatest prize of all — the ancient treasure trove located in the Elysian fields known only as The Vault.

Elysium will be the first NFT E2E, where holders have FULL control of their own stories and the journeys they take. Every holder of the core NFT collection will make their own choices, on everything from the upgrades they receive, to the missions they attempt, to the rewards they earn. Explore the world’s last remaining colonies, trade for the VAULT’s most legendary items, and fight your way to the top. Will you choose to work together with other holders in your colony, or take on the world yourself? Every NFT will have its own journey, and every NFT will have its own ending. Make the right choices, or you will be ΞRADICATED.

As some of you may have noticed recently, many projects make promises about deadlines or dates that end up getting delayed. We are tired of this just as much as you guys, and our patience for this has run out. No unrealistic promises, no wasting your time. We are going to fucking deliver and we mean it. Zero. Fucking. Delays.


  1. With the popularity of our Node starting to ramp up, we’re looking at ways to sustain the project by bringing in external revenue streams. This will give us a bigger budget for future work.
  2. We may have a slightly smaller node available for single bear holders. But this is to be decided and will be discussed with the community in Discord.

