Worried about Generative AI Taking Over Writing jobs? Don’t. It’s Not Happening

5 min readOct 18, 2023


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Every day we hear about how amazing the Generative AI tools are like ChatGPT. Especially, when companies are churning out new features so frequently.

From creating well-formed text to SEO, these tools can do it all.

This has created a kind of chaos in the digital world. From writers to marketers, they will lose their jobs because of the new generative AI technology.

Is it true though?

Artificial intelligence is what it means: artificial. And the AI tools are just that: tools.

The one thing that these tools and technology cannot take away is the creative skills of humans. Not just that, they cannot take away innovative thinking, perception and various other things that the human brain can do.

While technology is helpful, it is unfair to say that it will take away jobs from people.

Here’s why:

Generative AI is Not Enough Without Human Inputs

Generative AI is not a magician. It cannot create content out of thin air. What it does is crawl the internet, just like Google, and curate content. The generated text you get from these tools are the result of human inputs.

For so many decades, people have populated the internet with content. You will find content on various topics. Tons of content on the same topics. What sets the contents apart is human touch. If you compare the language of an AI written content and human writer, you will see a clear difference.

Whether it’s written text, audio or video, the internet is irrelevant without human input. If everybody used AI, you wouldn’t get anything new anymore.

Sure, the AI can create well-structured content on any topic. But it will still sound robotic. And after a while, you will see that almost everything sounds similar. This comes from someone who has used the tool.

These tools are great for brainstorming and gathering points. Writing on the other hand, is not something AI can do as well as humans writers like us.

People Consume Content for Unique Perspective, not Just for Information

If you have noticed, the legacy media is losing its grip over the masses. More and more people are going to platforms like Youtube and other social media platforms for news and latest information.

Why do you think that is?

Because, these platforms offer them different perspectives from different people. Content creators have their unique take on the trending topics. By comparison, the news channels sound like robots. They cover fewer news pieces and limited perspectives. That can also be said about the AI generated content.

News anchors like Megyn Kelly are on YouTube and their channel is growing. People are following them for news updates and their unique take on important matters. No doubt, these platforms offer them more freedom than the traditional media. They can speak more freely and give their opinions which make the content so engaging and entertaining.

The AI written content cannot compete with the unique perspective that each individual has to offer.

Do you think AI tools can mimic different personalities?

Can they write content from a unique point-of-view, perspective or character?

Unless you put an actual human brain on it, AI writing tools cannot equal humans. It may sound far-fetched now, but in the future, it will be very clear.

People are or May Lose Jobs for Different Reasons Not Just Due to the AI Revolution

Sooner or later, the companies will realize that they have been creating content that is quite similar to others. There will be no plagiarism,of course. But still, the content will look very similar.

On the other hand, content written by people without AI assistance will sound, well, like human. True, these tools can help scale content output, but at what cost.

Quality? No.

The AI can create quality content. It should get the due where it’s due. But the tools cannot create content that is digestible for the human brains. As a reader, we want content that can entertain us, relate to us and make us feel valued.

I doubt that AI content can do that.

Even marketing content needs to be engaging. If writing marketing copies were so easy, there would be no failures. Every business would do just great. But we all know that it’s not possible.

As people, we know how to read other people. To analyze and observe. AI cannot do that, even if you create a robot with AI technology and make it look just like humans with amazing clothes and speech capabilities.

That power lies with people. And people who have the skill of creating content can use this information to provide value to the readers and viewers.

If people are losing jobs or might do so in the future, AI may not be the only reason for it. It will not be entirely its fault. You have to consider other factors like the global economy, the current situation, job markets and other things.

There Will be a Higher Demand for Content With Human Touch

As more and more people use AI tools for content writing, there will be higher demand for human content in the future. This is especially true for social media platforms. The long-form content like blog posts and case studies can be written using AI tools and one can get away with it.

Not with social media.

For platforms like Instagram, Twitter (Now X), you need catchy captions. Can AI writers like ChatGPT do that?

If you have used tools to write social media posts, you know how they sound.

It might recreate what others have already written: reword or restructure the text. But readers want something new and fresh. One AI tool cannot mimic a hundred different writers. That’s the point of content created by humans: they are different, unpredictable and ever evolving.

People can differentiate between AI and content written by humans. That’s why the readers will deviate towards more organic content. Content written by artificial intelligence will not have the same flare.

Final Thoughts

Let AI be what it is and let human writers be the actual writers. As for the panic over AI taking over your writing jobs, don’t worry, it’s not happening. Not the way everyone is expecting.

Change is constant as someone wise has said. And, the world is changing and as humans we have a profound ability to adapt and thrive.

Have some faith.




I write on Writing, Content Marketing, Books, Movies, Creativity, & Different Writing Forms. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/triptiwrites