How I Manage My Budget When Travelling

3 min readMar 30, 2023


As an avid traveler, I’ve learned that budgeting is one of the most important aspects of planning any trip. Whether I’m backpacking through Europe or exploring a new city, I always make sure to keep my finances in check. Here’s how I manage my budget when traveling:

Photo by Heidi Fin on Unsplash

Set a Budget:

Before I even start planning my trip, I determine how much money I can afford to spend. I consider the cost of transportation, accommodation, food, activities, and souvenirs. Once I have a rough estimate, I create a budget and stick to it.

Prioritize Expenses:

I prioritize my expenses based on what’s most important to me. For example, if I’m in a city with amazing food, I might splurge on meals but cut back on souvenir shopping. If I’m in a location with plenty of free outdoor activities, I’ll spend more time exploring nature than on paid tours.

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Look for Deals:

I’m always on the lookout for deals and discounts. I use websites and apps like Skyscanner,, and Airbnb to find the best prices on flights and accommodations. I also search for coupons or special offers on tours and activities.

Cook My Own Meals:

Eating out can quickly add up, so I try to cook my own meals when possible. I’ll book accommodations with a kitchen or stay in an Airbnb that allows me to cook. I also visit local markets to buy fresh produce and ingredients.

Use Public Transportation:

Taking taxis or ride-sharing services can be expensive, so I rely on public transportation when traveling. I use apps like Google Maps or Citymapper to navigate bus or subway systems. I also rent bikes or walk when exploring new cities.

Avoid Tourist Traps:

Tourist traps often charge inflated prices, so I try to avoid them. Instead, I ask locals for recommendations or search online for off-the-beaten-path attractions and restaurants.

Photo by Fabio Comparelli on Unsplash

Track My Expenses:

Finally, I track my expenses throughout my trip to make sure I’m staying within my budget. I use a budgeting app like Mint or YNAB to keep track of my spending and adjust my budget as needed.

In conclusion, managing your budget when traveling is crucial to ensure a stress-free trip. By setting a budget, prioritizing expenses, looking for deals, cooking your own meals, using public transportation, avoiding tourist traps, and tracking your expenses, you can have an amazing adventure without breaking the bank.




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