I’m writing every day, just not on Medium…

Andrew Wooldridge
1 min readMay 7, 2019

I love the idea of having a daily log. It’s helping me stay focused and working on all my many projects. I thought about doing it here, on Medium, which is a great way to gain an audience, as well as potentially a way to make some money (I’ve made 55 cents so far!)

But, I’ve heard very clearly from folks who run into the Medium paywall and cannot read the Godot tutorials I’ve written, because they’ve run out of “free” reads. This really got to me, and I’m also feeling more passionate about the “dweb” or distributed web. We need LESS centralization and more decentralization.

With those things in mind, I cast around for something I could use — and don’t get me started on WordPress. I eventually discovered Write.as . You can freely read articles and write your own. It has a similar, yet simpler UI from Medium, and it also posts to Mastodon — which I also love.

So, while I will still post here routinely, my primary focus will be over here: https://triptych.writeas.com . I hope you join me there, and help us keep the web decentralized!



Andrew Wooldridge

Build web apps. Indie game and RPG fan. Dad and husband. Storyteller and game designer. I ♥ Javascript. eBay FrontEnd.