Trisha Laguidao
4 min readFeb 9, 2021


Unique Filipino Culture
written by: Charlene S. Mapa

Filipino Culture “Kulturang Pilipno” are well known for their prominent indigenous traditions and mixed influences by the result of colonialization of different countries such as Spain, America and Japan and Foreign traders like Chinese at old times. And gradually evolving generation to generation and combining one another influences. One thing for sure, Do Filipino have their own culture? What kind of culture they have? And how unique does the Filipino might have amidst of the pre-colonialization to post colonialization happened decades and centuries ago. How about the new generation? Does the modernization is a great help for the new generation of Filipino knowing what is their unique culture as a Filipino?

Before colonialization happened Filipinos have their well-founded characteristics they have. One thing for sure what we/they called “Bayanihan” are one of the factors Filipinos have and what I also agreed as a unique culture I’m proud of as a Filipino. Specially, Filipinos are conducive to everyone with their courtesy helping one another is a pleasure in every Filipino.

Filipinos are polite and they have this characteristics called “gratitude”. It shows that Filipino are very concerned. Helping one in easy or difficult task they will show you a gratitude. Filipino have their sayings like “Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makararating sa paroroonan” is a great impact to every Filipino having a gratitude to someone else who helped you no matter what is a unique way to show how unique Filipino you are.

the philippines has a unique culture due to the influences of colonization and other countries that have gained entry into our area that the filipinos are according to their view of other people who are hardworking and strive to make life better because every filipino does not give up on whatever the battle of life and there are also many in our area if we can be proud just like the beautiful sights in every corner of our country visited by torrists from other countries according to their view of the philippines of many beautiful places that they went because not only in the places where every Filipino should be big but also in each other's personalities because most of my fellow Filipinos are disciplined and helpful to each other who work with each person in the country when disasters occur united every person to be early in their descent on the victims of the typhoon and the Filipinos are very respectful.

From the moment they are born into this world, they have been taught how to do this by using simple catchphrases - and yes, the words that end with questions when answered by adults. They have a culture of handwriting, in which they expect the backs of their elders' hands on their foreheads as a sign of respect. They usually set aside a specific day for a specific celebration such as celebrations, birthday celebrations, reunions, etc. And of course, every gathering is geared towards achieving each other’s rich food. Yes, Filipinos love to hold festivals and fiestas. Bacolod has a MassKara Festival, Davao has a Kadayawan Festival, and Marinduque has a Moriones Festival. Participants in the Dinagyang Festival in Iloilo Philippines.

The In fact the Philippines is only one of the Asian countries with English as the second national language. Due to American colonization, many Filipinos can read English before moving to the States. as of August 6,1987, more than 43 languages ​​and 87 dialects were found Many languages ​​and dialects are spoken by Filipinos, but this is different from what is spoken in America. A Filipino can grow up speaking a local language, i.e. Ilocano or Ilongo at home, Filipino in interactions at various levels of society and English and Spanish or another language, i.e., French in Filipino Schools and many dialects from the Philippines are commonly spoken by our immigrant parents and their children understand the correct pronunciation of the key words we are used to. However, English is the main language of many Filipino Americans to keep pace with the emergence of our compatriots who take risks in various fields of proper communication in the languages ​​of their place of destination and to promote our cultural heritage and promote our history in different countries.

Filipinos are also very religious as Christians, Catholics, Muslims and other religious groups in this country can prove that Filipinos are rooted in the faith. Yes we have different beliefs but despite these differences, we still make it a goal to make friends with everyone without boundaries that the filipino can set a good example of brotherhood even the heroism that we Filipinos believe in to god or allah that can help ourselves because we are children of god and allah we have fear of god because of him we are from what we are now he gave us so he can also recover it because we are filipinos truly believed in our God.


(n.d.). Retrieved from

