What I’ve Learned in My Quest for Confidence

Trisha Bartle
4 min readJan 7, 2018

So much of my life can be summed up into just a handful of choice words: My lack of confidence held me back.

It could be why I didn’t ask out the person I liked or why I never got up the nerve to ask for a raise. Maybe it was why I didn’t bother to finish writing that novel or why I settled for less than I was worth.

It’s not just me. I see it in others, too. Once you start focusing on your own journey through confidence, you notice the struggle that those around you are having. My ears perk up when I hear the ol’ “this old thing?” response to a compliment. I see you tug at your shirt to pull it over the tummy you feel self-conscious about. I hear your “I could never” and think to myself, “of course you can.”

I see these things because I’ve done them to. I’ve lived that life. I know where you are, because I’ve been there, too.

There’s been a shift. An awakening, you could call it. I gave myself four tasks to help improve my confidence, self-esteem and quality of life.

And it’s worked.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, can benefit from learning these four tasks. They require no equipment or previous knowledge, yet I’ve found that they’re things almost everyone struggles with.

