Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)
Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)

About Me — Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)

📚 Reader of Words | ✍️ Writer of Things | 💯Doer of Stuff | ☕ Drinker of Coffee | Builder of Bots |🎮🐼 Gamer of Play | Exerciser for Fitness

Hey there, I'm Trisha BSc (Hons) in Psychology. I did my postgrad studies in Science, Leadership and Education. I'm also qualified therapist in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Business (NLP).

★ Featured in The Writing Corporative, Better Humans, Curious, In Fitness & Health, Better Advice and a regular in Books are Our Superpower.

Dyslexia and ADHD helped me to be the person I am today. Now, I want to empower others wired a little differently to become more focused, motivated, self-disciplined, and successful at achieving their personal goals, 'especially' in relation to writing!

I hope you enjoy reading my stories. Subscribe to get my stories delivered into your inbox for free! 

Medium member since April 2021
Friend of Medium since July 2024
Editor of A New Era
Connect with Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)
Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)

Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)

Friend of Medium

🧠 Sharing my journey #100daysof... challenges 💪 Fitness & Health 📖Reading for Growth | ✍ Writing for Self-Expression 🦣