5 Ways to Decode the Blessings of Universe

5 min readNov 17, 2023


Universe is constantly blessing us with its magic, love and beauty. All we need to do is….Witness!

Fall season has just begun. Whenever I look at trees these days, I’m filled with aw… The variety of colours all around surprise me and also brings a smile on my face. Trees in shades of green, orange, yellow and pink force you to wonder about the magic of nature. If you are mindful, every moment nature interacts with us, surprises us.

Ways to decode the blessings

  1. Awareness: I was driving back home on a sunny afternoon in October when I saw a tree on my side of the road was just shedding a big bunch of small golden leaves! It felt like as if nature is sprinkling golden dust as her blessing all over me and my vehicle🥰
Photo by Hert Niks on Unsplash

It was such a beautiful moment! since I was alone in my car, I took the liberty of shouting out loud…..Thank you!!!!

Analogy from daily life
Have you noticed parents, playing around with different toys in front of their kids, just to surprise them, make them happy, bring in some excitement, keen to witness that shine in their eyes. Similarly, Nature changes its colours, shows its magic just to witness that tinkle in our eyes. When our minds are clouded by thoughts(worry of future and regrets of past), we just miss seeing all the magic. Imagine nature as our mom waiting to see our response and we are just unaffected, how heartbreaking it must be for her! Shake yourself up a little and start LIVING😇 Respond back to mother nature and get ready to be showered with more beautiful surprises.

2. Surrender and let go : Last month, I was going through a rough patch and my mind was constantly in motion, quite disturbed. I tried journaling but the feelings kept coming back. I was constantly doing prayers and asking for help and support from the divine after completely surrendering myself and my problems. I received a call from my father and he suggested to me to go spend some time in nature. I know that spending some time in nature always works for me however when we are deeply submerged in our thoughts and problems, we tend to get consumed by them completely. I wondered why it didn’t click me before🤔
Anyways, as my dear father suggested, I went out, sat in my garden, barefoot. I sat with an intention that this connection with mother earth will absorb all my negativity as I was willing to release it. I sat with a small prayer for the mother Earth and allowed her to do her job. Guess what! She is excellent in doing her job! Post 40 mins, I was completely rejuvenated. This is the power of nature!

3. Be open to receive: Blessings are all around, we just need to change our mind-set. Learn to be more receptive and open. For example, I was really tired after a long day. Tiredness was more from mental fog, rather physical strain. While having a shower, I just added and intention of releasing all stress and imagined that water is taking away all my stress with its flow. All I did was, completely letting go and not coming in its way. We sometimes don’t even realise, what all burdens we carry with ourselves. When I felt as if something got released, I stood with an intention that I’m open to receive love, magic and blessings and soon felt those feeling flowing through me. It is always important to fill yourself with something positive, post releasing negativity and needless to say that I felt so light and free post that experience.

4. Mindfulness is magical: Day to day activities can be done mindlessly as if a dead body is moving around and those same activities can be done with awareness, a little mindfulness throughout the day does a lot of magic.
Life can be lived with alertness, in a lively manner and the opposite is also a possibility. However you have the power to choose. The same experience of going for a walk, swimming and cooking can be extremely mundane and meditative at the same time. The way we live the same reality determines the quality of our lives. Again…..choice is yours!

5. Journaling: Writing gratitude is extremely powerful. The more we thank God for, the more abundance is attracted in our life.
If we are grateful for what we witnessed throughout our day, our focus towards such blessings will increase multi-fold.
This brings us close to our own authentic self. We become more aware of our own feelings, thoughts, hidden emotions. The things which cannot be measured, can’t be changed. If you want to come out of a problem, you need to have some clarity in terms of what the problem is, and what can be the possible solutions. If you are confused which way to go….
The best practise is to make 2 columns and write the advantages and disadvantages of both possible scenarios or paths. Spend good quality time on it. This will act as a therapy session(easy on your pocket!)
If we maintain this habit, we truly learn a lot about our own self. In today’s fast paced life, it’s very easy to lose yourself. Journaling helps us by being our anchor.
When we write down how we feel, things become very clear. Emotions are there in our own minds but writing has a power to bring clarity.
I have solved many problems through journaling, it’s worth a try and once you find solutions, it’s even more important to write them down. They will act as our navigators ahead.
Journaling brings clarity and healing just by bringing our thoughts on paper.

6. Meditation or prayer: This brings us close to those higher vibrational energy states.
In our childhood we were constantly reminded of the power of a good company. When we spend time with good people, we tend to imbibe their essence, qualities and unconsciously start behaving like them.
The more we meditate, or pray(personal choice), the more we match with those higher frequencies, we synchronize and start to experience raised vibrations, clearer, peaceful mind, wisdom and serene.




IT professional, an empath, N.L.P practitioner, energy healer, love reading books, traveling & spending time with family and friends