2 min readOct 18, 2021

The Union

Have you experienced happiness, unity and love without a reason?

As if soothing background music is playing and you are becoming lighter than ever and swaying along with nature. All you can see is, the beautiful plants and trees with colourful flowers and butterflies. All you can feel is, earthiness of mother nature and the wind blowing all over your face and body and the warmth of the ever vibrant sunshine. All you can hear is the chirping of the birds and rustling of the leaves caused by the exuberant wind.
You are no more in your body your soul becomes excited and jumps out to wherever your eyes can see and if you are in nature then the magic trip begins.

The beautiful nature is the host to the new found magic land. She welcomes you with a smile and escorts you inside in its world where the fine breeze plays a soothing background music. Where the winds blows gently, swaying the trees, its branches and leaves adding another sound to the music. This rustling of the leaves mesmerises you further. The fine breeze gently touches you as if a friend just greeted you on the way.
When you go further, you can smell the aroma of flowers and soon you find yourself dancing along with the entire picture, the mother nature. The trees and the flowers seem to hold your hand gently so that you can feel their inner world which is beautiful, filled with peace and unconditional love. As you have never felt this way in a long time, it’s like meeting your soul mate after ages. Tears of ecstasy start flowing when you are in unity with nature and also the space. The space which contains everything and you. The vast, pure space which holds the wind, the life and everything. You suddenly find your source. Awareness and realisation of its presence everywhere which is considered underrated and insignificant, sometimes through out a lifetime, leaves you with a feeling of gratitude.
You may label it as a magical imaginary trip or realise that this is how unity feels like. Unity of your soul with this entire creation.


IT professional, an empath, N.L.P practitioner, energy healer, love reading books, traveling & spending time with family and friends