Navigating the AI Landscape: Different Types of AI Environments

Trishul Chowdhury
5 min readJun 24, 2024


Created by DALL-E

Defining an AI agent’s environment is crucial because it shapes the agent’s operational context, influences its decision-making capabilities, and ensures effective interaction within its designated realm. Proper definitions help customize algorithms that optimize performance and achieve specific objectives efficiently.

An AI agent operates within an environment, taking input through sensors and affecting the environment with its actuators. Here’s how you can visualize it:

  1. AI Agent: Represent the AI agent as a central figure, maybe a robot or a computer, symbolizing the brain of the operation.
  2. Sensors: Show various sensors around the AI agent, such as cameras, microphones, and other devices that capture data from the environment.
  3. Environment: Depict the environment as a background scene, which could be a room, outdoor setting, or any context relevant to the AI’s task.
  4. Actuators: Illustrate actuators connected to the AI agent, like robotic arms or wheels, indicating how the agent can interact with and alter the environment

This article explores the various types of AI environments and their significance, with a contextual mention of the Pommerman challenges!!!

Fully Observable vs. Partially Observable Environments

A key characteristic of an environment, as outlined by the PEAS (Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors) framework, is whether it is fully observable or partially observable.

Fully Observable Environments

In a fully observable environment, every detail that can influence the decision-making of an AI agent is accessible at all times. This level of transparency allows the agent to operate without needing to recall previous states, as it can make decisions based entirely on the current situation. A real-world example of this is automated stock trading systems. Operating within the financial sector, these systems exist in what can be considered a fully observable environment, where they have immediate access to essential market data such as stock prices, trading volumes, and market news. This data is continually fed into the system, enabling it to make well-informed decisions promptly .

Partially Observable Environments

In contrast, a partially observable environment provides only incomplete information to the AI agent, necessitating the use of historical data and predictions to make decisions. This type of environment is more complex as the agent must infer missing details to act appropriately. An example is a self-driving car, which relies on sensors and cameras to navigate but cannot always see around corners or predict all road conditions. The car must use algorithms to fill in the gaps in its perception to ensure safe driving .

Static vs. Dynamic Environments

Another crucial distinction is between static and dynamic environments.

Dynamic Environments

Recommendation systems used by platforms like Netflix or Spotify demonstrate how AI can thrive in dynamic environments where adaptability and real-time data processing are crucial. These systems must adapt to continuously changing user preferences and content availability. They incorporate data that updates continuously, involving tracking user interactions, browsing history, or real-time feedback. Dynamic systems are more complex as they must process and react to new information efficiently to tailor recommendations that reflect recent user activity or emerging trends. An example of a dynamic recommendation system is an e-commerce platform that adjusts its product suggestions based on items a user has recently viewed or added to their cart. This real-time adaptability enhances user experience by providing more relevant and timely recommendations, contrasting sharply with static systems, which might only update recommendations based on periodic reviews of user data .

Static Environments

A static recommendation system can also be seen in services like Netflix’s movie recommendations. Here, the recommendations might be based on an offline analysis of user preferences and movie similarities, computed during less active hours and then served to users throughout the day. This approach allows the system to manage resources efficiently by avoiding the computational cost of real-time data processing for each user action, although it limits the system’s ability to adapt quickly to changes in user behavior or new data inputs. Despite advancements in dynamic systems, static recommendation systems still provide valuable and relevant suggestions by leveraging extensive historical data and sophisticated modeling techniques to predict user preferences with reasonable accuracy .

Deterministic vs. Stochastic Environments

AI environments can also be classified based on the predictability of outcomes.

Deterministic Environments

In a deterministic environment, the outcome of an action is predictable and consistent. For example, in a chess game, the movements of pieces follow strict rules, and the result of a move can be precisely calculated. This predictability allows the AI agent to plan several steps ahead with a high degree of confidence .

Stochastic Environments

Conversely, a stochastic environment is characterized by randomness and uncertainty. Outcomes of actions are not guaranteed and can vary. This type of environment requires the AI agent to incorporate probabilities and risk assessments in its decision-making process. An example is a robot navigating a crowded room where human movements are unpredictable, requiring the robot to adapt its path based on constantly changing conditions .

Pommerman Challenge

The Pommerman Challenge is a benchmark in multi-agent AI, testing algorithms in a dynamic, partially observable, and competitive environment. It is modeled after the classic game Bomberman, requiring agents to plan, cooperate, and compete to achieve their goals. This challenge illustrates the complexities of building autonomous AI systems that can operate effectively in environments where information is incomplete and adversaries are present. Participants must develop robust algorithms capable of handling delayed rewards and sparse feedback, making the Pommerman Challenge an excellent testbed for advancing AI capabilities .

Additional Types of AI Environments

Single-Agent vs. Multi-Agent Environments

  • Single-Agent: Only one agent operates in the environment (e.g., Solitaire).
  • Multi-Agent: Multiple agents operate and interact within the same environment (e.g., ChatArena for language games) .

Competitive vs. Collaborative Environments

  • Competitive: Agents compete against each other to achieve their goals (e.g., chess).
  • Collaborative: Agents work together to achieve a common goal (e.g., multi-agent pathfinding) .

Discrete vs. Continuous Environments

  • Discrete: The environment has a finite number of states and actions.
  • Continuous: The environment has a continuous range of states and actions .

Episodic vs. Sequential Environments

  • Episodic: The agent’s experience is divided into separate episodes, with each episode not depending on the previous ones.
  • Sequential: The agent’s current decision affects future decisions and states .

Known vs. Unknown Environments

  • Known: The agent has full knowledge of the environment’s rules and dynamics.
  • Unknown: The agent has to learn the environment’s rules and dynamics through interaction .


Accurately defining an AI agent’s environment is foundational to ensuring that the agent can effectively interpret and act within its operational context, leveraging advanced algorithms to navigate and optimize within various settings, thereby aligning its functions with intended outcomes. By understanding and categorizing environments as fully or partially observable, static or dynamic, deterministic or stochastic, and other dimensions, developers can tailor AI systems to perform optimally in diverse scenarios.


Poole, D. L., & Mackworth, A. K. (2017). Artificial intelligence: Foundations of computational agents (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. Link

Palanisamy, P. (2018). Hands-on intelligent agents with OpenAI Gym: Your guide to developing AI agents using deep reinforcement learning. Packt Publishing Ltd. Link

Doe, J. (2023). AutoGPT: AI agents for beginners — The complete guide. Self-published. Link

