Dear Wes

An Open Letter to My Friend Wes Spindler

Tristan Ruark
3 min readAug 16, 2023
My beautiful friend Wes. Photo by Wes. Stolen with love by Author.

Dear Wes,
I see you didn’t read or comment on my last article Bunker Babies. This is a shameless plug here on Dead or Alive. You brought me to Medium. Your pure love of writing inspired me to put my thoughts and experiences on this platform.

You have always been a pillar of support in my life. Ok. Well — not always. When it counted the most. You were there for me starting in 2005 during my first deployment to Iraq. You were the first person from back home to find out about the ambush I had survived in Samarra. You were my floatation device in a river of uncertainty.

Our correspondence ebbed and flowed throughout the years. We wouldn’t hear from each other for months or years, and when we did, we would pick back up from the last sentence in the last paragraph that we sent each other. There was never any pressure or animosity. Life happens.

September 4th, 2007. it was a bad fucking day. You were my sounding board. You knew more about the crazy shit I was doing overseas than anybody else in my circle. That day would and will surface for the rest of my life. You have been there for every aspect of that event.

We would reconnect in the valley as if time stood still. If I asked you to be there, you were. No questions asked. The Joan Jett…

