Introducing the Newcastle Tech Digest

Tristan Watson
2 min readJan 1, 2019


Photo by Shaun Darwood on Unsplash

When we were compiling the Newcastle Tech Report for 2018 we realised that one of the big issues any regional tech ecosystem suffers from is the lack of awareness within the region of what’s going on.

The sale of Rocket 9 Gaming in Newcastle for £65m is a perfect example — a lot of tech folks in the city had no idea that this had happened in 2018. This isn’t because they’re not paying attention, but because it didn’t get the same profile that a similar sale in London would have done.

To try and solve this, and inspired by the fantastic tech digest emails operating in cities across the world, we’re launching the Newcastle Tech Digest.

The concept is simple — a weekly email bringing together the latest tech news from the region alongside a digest of upcoming industry events. We’re going to be focusing on start-up and scale-up news and events, so if you’ve read Techcrunch or The Next Web then you’ll recognise the type of companies we’ll be highlighting.

Rather than try and cover everything that’s going on we’ll be collating the news from local, national and international sources to share with you — and the events will be sourced from

The Tech Digest is being launched by Ignite, in partnership with Newcastle Tech Trust and, and we hope it’ll become another brick in the foundations of a strong regional tech industry.

And to answer the inevitable question — Why is it the Newcastle Tech Digest rather than the North East Tech Digest? The short answer is because we think it sounds better and of course we’ll be highlighting news and events from across the region.

The first edition will be going out in early January, so if you’d like to subscribe then head over here.


Tristan Watson— | @tristanwatson


Alexis Long — | @alexisjaconlong



Tristan Watson

CEO @IgniteAccel, supporting early stage tech companies across the UK.