Treasure Chests on trivisk

2 min readSep 23, 2019


Welcome back triviskers!

A few articles ago, we talked about the trivisk store and everything that you can find inside it.

These are the three types of chests you can find on trivisk, at the moment.

Today we want to talk to you about the Treasure Chests and the three types you can find at the trivisk store.


Here we go!

Awesome Chest

This is our best chest. You can tell by its design. It is the most valuable chest of all, and because of that, you will find the best items inside. Of course, the higher the value, the harder it will be to get one of these chests. Meaning the cost is pretty high for this kind of chests compare to the other three.

If you see this chest don’t let it go, is the most valuable of all

Cool Chest

This kind of chest is the second most valuable chest in the chart. The items inside this chest are still awe-inspiring and can help you reach higher levels and succeed in your trivisk journey.

In second place but still the right choice if you don’t have much gold

Nice Chest

The smallest of all. Just because it is made out of wood, it doesn’t mean its the worse. The great thing about this chest is that you will be able to buy it at the store pretty soon since the amount of gold you have to spend to acquire it is not as high as the rest.

Our special offer for those that don’t like to spend much

The treasure chests will help you acquire new items faster since they can store more than two items. Some of them are quite expensive but well worth it if you are stuck or need a special item to move on to the next level.

We hope you liked our three cool chests and we want to hear from you as soon as you try them out. Deal?

Read you soon, triviskers!

The trivisk team




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