Designing for Diversity: An Exploration of Inclusive Design Principles

Triyan Arif Wibowo
3 min readMar 21, 2023


Inclusive design is the practice of designing products, services, and environments that are accessible and usable by everyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or ability. It is an approach to design that recognizes diversity as a strength and aims to create solutions that meet the needs of a wide range of users. Inclusive design principles can be applied to a wide range of design disciplines, including user experience design, product design, architecture, and urban planning.

One of the key principles of inclusive design is designing for diversity. This involves recognizing that people have different needs and designing solutions that accommodate those needs. According to Kat Holmes, author of the book “Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design”, “Designing for diversity means designing for difference, and designing for the difference is the key to true inclusion.”

There are several approaches to designing for diversity. One approach is to use universal design principles, which involve designing solutions that are usable by the widest range of people possible. For example, a wheelchair ramp is an example of a universal design solution that benefits people with mobility impairments as well as parents with strollers or people with luggage.

Another approach to designing for diversity is to use inclusive design principles. Inclusive design principles involve designing solutions that take into account the unique needs of different user groups. For example, designing a website that is accessible to people with visual impairments by using alt tags for images and providing text descriptions for videos.

One of the challenges of designing for diversity is avoiding assumptions about user needs. Assumptions can lead to exclusionary design practices that don’t meet the needs of certain user groups. To avoid assumptions, designers can use user research to gain insights into the needs of different user groups. User research can involve surveys, interviews, and user testing.

Inclusive design can also involve co-designing solutions with users from diverse backgrounds. This approach involves working with users to co-create solutions that meet their unique needs. Co-design can be particularly effective in creating solutions that meet the needs of marginalized communities that may be underrepresented in design processes.

In conclusion, designing for diversity is a key principle of inclusive design. By recognizing that people have different needs and designing solutions that accommodate those needs, designers can create solutions that are accessible and usable by everyone. To design for diversity, designers can use universal design principles, inclusive design principles, user research, and co-design. By incorporating these approaches, designers can create solutions that are truly inclusive and meet the needs of a wide range of users.


  • Holmes, K. (2018). Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design. The MIT Press.
  • World Health Organization. (2011). Global age-friendly cities: A guide. World Health Organization.
  • Design Council. (2021). Inclusive Design. Design Council.
  • IDEO. (2019). Co-Design for Better Public Services. IDEO.

