Review OATH Partnerships

6 min readJan 19, 2019


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Blockchain security governance, network, code, wallet, and transactions. Governance and arbitration are the line of defense to protect users’ rights and assets if cybersecurity fails. Protocol is the first blockchain-based governance protocol that enables community to resolve on-chain or off-chain disputes. OATH, modeled on the common jury system, combines one of the reliable real-world systems blockchain technologies, cryptography, computing algorithms, game theory reputation system. Because of that, the project has cooperated with many other famous projects in the market. Don’t let people wait any longer now, find out about OATH Partnerships.

SimplyBrand platform combines AI, human ingenuity and blockchain technology to quickly identify fake versions of branded products and create an invariant, public blacklist of vendors. fake products.

Qtum (Quantum) is an open-source, decentralized project that aims to capitalize on the success of Bitcoin, while competing for the Decentralized Application (DAPP) and Smart Contract market. The goal is to work with industry partners, and launch the first Value Transfer Protocol (VTP). This will streamline daily business routines, and allow for easier adoption. Qtum aims to become the platform with Smart Contracts that execute as part of an Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO). In addition to technological innovation and the development of high security standards for all applications built on the Qtum series, Qtum also focuses on applications that use all businesses. Qtum has stood out as a world-class public infrastructure project and the first free and open source block chain in cooperation with Amazon Web Services (AWS).(Read the article about cooperation with QTUM project published by OATH)

NEM is the world’s first smart asset management blockchain. NEM’s block chain technology provides a world-class platform for managing different asset types, including currencies, supply chains, notaries, property records and many others. NEM’s intelligent asset system allows people to completely customize their blockchain according to their needs and needs, whether for large businesses or small businesses. The power of NEM is demonstrated through a simple and secure development interface, so anyone can deploy their own customized blockchain solution. Any application can access these features through NEM’s simple API for easy integration into mobile applications, existing business infrastructure or contract logic.( Read the article about cooperation with NEM project published by OATH ).

QuarkChain is a high performance Peer-to-Peer system, up to 1 million transactions per second using a two-layer blockchain system. QuarkChain is a blockchain project based on the idea of ​​fragmentation, substring and original string. QuarkChain’s goal is to increase the expansion of blokchaian by providing a high-performance trading system, but still ensuring the safety of those transactions. ( Read the article about cooperation with Quarkchain project published by OATH).

MOAC is a revolutionary platform with multi-chain smart contract and P2P service network to effectively build and extend decentralized applications. By making the most of multi-block protection, the MOAC platform increases system capacity and performance, reduces transaction fees for smart contracts and encourages mobile users and competitive desktops. to process rewards. ( Read the article about cooperation with MOAC project published by OATH).

HPB (High-Performance Blockchain) is a new kind of block chain hardware and software architecture, which includes a chip acceleration engine and the blockchain platform, aiming to realize the performance extension of distributed applications. Positioned as an easy-to-use high performance blockchain platform, combined with industry depth to meet real business needs. This is done by creating an architecture that builds an application’s similar operating system. The software architecture provides account, identity and authorization management, strategy management, database, asynchronous communication, and thousands of CPU and FPGA or cluster program scheduling. By the implementation of a new architecture, the blockchain can support millions of transactions per second, and second level confirmation. ( Read the article about cooperation with HPB “High-Performance Blockchain”project published by OATH).

Abstract DREP(Decentralized Reputation System)is a decentralized solution based on blockchain technology that aims to quantify and tokenize the value of reputation for a variety of online commerce, trading, investment and data sharing purposes. DREP aims to empower internet platforms to solve their pain points, restructure their value ecosystem and facilitate their transition and acceleration via reputation-centered tokenomics and blockchain technology. The ultimate goal is to unleash the value of untapped internet reputation and push forward a more engaging, high-quality, interconnected internet community, benefiting both platforms and users. DREP Foundation proposes to provide a suite of facilities to help internet platforms not only tokenize their own platform traffic and online reputation but also connect with other platforms, also known as applications or Decentralized Reputation Apps (DRApps). (Read the article about cooperation with DREP project published by OATH).

Populstay is a decentralized home sharing and hospitality community, powered by the world’s first keyless blockchain-based smart locks to facilitate seamless home-sharing experience for hosts and guests.
(Read the article about cooperation with Populstay project published by OATH).

Tripio is the first travel marketplace based on blockchain. It leverages the decentralized network provided by blockchain technologies to directly connect global customers and service providers. Moreover, it builds a service ecosystem based on transparent, tamper-resistant trust and incentives. Tripio’s technologies reduce transactional and operational costs in travel industries, as well as improve customer experience in their respective products and services.

U Network is a decentralized protocol for publishing and valuing content that helps online content platforms better align with the interests of their users. It does this by rewarding content creators for their work, letting users earn money for predicting popular content, making it easier to discover high quality content, and allowing all users to be part of content moderation and governance decisions. U Network aims to build a user-generated content prediction market. By building a strong pricing system for content, U Network encourages users to discover high value
content and share it with the network. (Read the article about cooperation with U Network project published by OATH).

In addition to the OATH Partnerships mentioned above, there are other projects such as EOSASIA, CBNT, Dimension …Personally, this is a very great project in the coming years. If you would like more information about the project please follow the links below to reach the website .

These are the new updates to OATH Partnerships. If so, clap and share. I thank you for reading the article!

Author: Mostsoda

