Is it really in your interest to vote for the top Tron Super Representatives?

Tron-France France
3 min readJul 31, 2018


At the moment of writing this article, 15 Super Representatives from the Tron network are elected.
Among which we can name the most famous, Team Tronics, SkyPeople, SesameSeed, CryptoGuyInZA, Justin Sun(himself), or even Bittorent.

Obviously the first question one should ask in :
Is this really the decentralized web everyone has been talking about?

Well, at Tron-France we believe two things :
1) Democracy is the best system so far.
2) Democracy can only exist as long as there are enough credible candidates.

Choosing between only a handful of candidates is dictatorship

To answer the above question, we’ll say : Yes, DPoS system is decentralized, but only as long as there are a high number of suitable candidates (challengers) willing to take the leaders’ spot.

Today, 104 candidates in total (including the 15 elected + the 27 GRs) are present on the network. In reality this leaves only 62 real alternatives.

In a sense it’s already good… But there comes another problem:

Are you sure those 62 candidates are not just clones of the already elected ones?

Let’s think about it for a minute :
If I am a Super Representative, I’m earning TRX for making blocks. But I could earn even more if I had 2 Super Representative running !
Super Representative could even make some arrangements and promises to whales in order to get sustainable votes.

The problem with the above principle is that it defeats the concept of DPoS decentralization.
By pushing this idea to the limit, it’s possible that one very powerfull SR gets more than 19 witness nodes in the top position, making de facto Tron the most centralized network on earth.

Today very few people raised an alarm on this situation. Seeing the huge vote gap between the top SRs and the other candidates, as well as the community desire to vote “for the winner”, we believe this problem might only get worse in the future.

We should however give credit to CryptoGuyInZA, who reached out to the community in order to get another candidate elected (CryptoChain).
Even if those two candidates are working together, at least they are making Tron more decentralized.

Tron-France aims to become the Tron reference in France. We wish to be a trustworthy alternative to other well-known candidates. Tron-France is located in Paris. We are a team of two people. We already have the systems (witness nodes) up and running as well as a platform dedicated to the daily airdrop.

We redistribute 95% of our rewards to our voters everyday at 18:30 UTC through an automated script.

We only provide TRX because token should come after the product/solution is ready, not before.

Our reward plan is not going to change because our long term incentive is to build our own TRX payment solution.

In the long run, Tron-France will focus on payment solution to local merchants (through minimalist box platform equiped with full nodes).

We hope such solution will not only give TRX better visibility, but as well help in truly decentralizing the network by multiplying the number of nodes.

Even though it’s not our intention today, building token on the Tron network is part of the next step for Tron. But for this stage to be successfull, we should first make Tron truly decentralized and stable.
Otherwise, we’ll end up creating a wave of tokens without understandable value.

Decentralize the web is a great concept, and the recent Bittorent acquisition will help move forward even faster. But to achieve this goal, the network needs to be really decentralized, and the community should be involved in all major decision.

In the current Tron DPoS system, greed is taking control as humans will primarily tend to vote for the SR providing the most rewards.

Ask yourself this question : What is the point of receiving TRX reward if the Tron network isn’t truly decentralized?

Help us be a credible alternative to make the Tron network stronger.
Vote Tron-France.

Thank you for taking the time of understanding our perspective, and our apologies for the probable english mistakes.

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