Overheard in Chingu — Remote dev teams in action!

Random lines taken out of context from the Chingu coding cohorts!

Chance McAllister
Published in
11 min readAug 7, 2017


I say we launch missiles at Mars.

Great work! Lets keep this momentum going

If you feel relatively inexperienced, it’s only because you’re in the perfect place for a learner — surrounded by people who you can learn from :smiley: That’s how I look at it anyway hehe

My wife and I just had a baby; I am literally typing this with 1 hand as I burp her.

3rd team meeting, built basic website structure, worked on displaying the time

4th meeting, finished automatically updating time

5th meeting, finished tickets: display am/pm when clicking time, display one of a few greeting message based on the time

Sleeping in an orchard in Georgia (USA). Woke to this horse chewing on my hammock’s rain fly. Not cool, horse.

I spent the last six years in Dubai where I was able to travel the world with my wife and two sons. I’ve gone to places that I never imagined I would visit.

Hello guys, I’m about to start on more mock ups and hopefully finish today. I just finished all the learnyounode, learnyoumongo, etc and did an API project so I feel more confident with back end.

this is great! i think i have learned just about enough this week to be able to complete my task

I’ll take a look at it later today and try to make sure everything works

Math is life. If there was ever a proof for a divine being, the perfection of math would be it.

wow, this is excellent work! just merged it and pushed to master.

looks good :+1: merged

I added few comments on your PR, but overall the code quality is really high, I appreciate your use of commits, really easy to navigate and review, huge props.

yes I looked into that too, nodemailer to send email, or maybe push notifications. But I wonder if there’s something through github API that could be done maybe.

We’ll get through this!

lets finalize what we want in the app by tomorrow…then start coding it up!

shit, this is gonna be a long evening [4 hours later →] ok, probably safe again. I’ll explain what I did tomorrow.

just updating you on where I am: Currently trying to get hold of the bootstrap SDL [Schema Definition Language?] so we can use the existing functionality with our backend

It’s messy. Promises within promises.

Bam! Finished YDKJS Async & Performance, chapter 4 Generators and built myself a wikipedia viewer using one: http://low-hate.surge.sh/ All feedback on my code is very much appreciated. And yes multiple keyword search is on the todo list :slightly_smiling_face:

we should just get the app working and then refine it if we want

I will make a commit with the very basics to makes sure there is no white noise in the code.

<commiting in 5>


tell me what you think is the best course of action — I’ve proved to myself that i can render stuff out of array of objects — but in this particular situation it may not be the bestsolution.

cool. it is an achievement and if you felt that was a hurdle it is good to get it done. Now it is part of your toolkit!:mario:

I hope that’s helped. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks guys. Since I was very eager about being able to render element out of another function I may be biased as to where should I use it so good to get some 3rd party advice :)

I will be making an commit to robin. Time and weather included and then we can proceed to add one microservice each :slightly_smiling_face:

thanks for the meeting! i think this is going to be a really fun project

Working on the house since it’s the only weekend we’ve had in a long time where the heat index wasn’t over 100

I guess we can consider our current week as prep week for learning and getting the concepts right for the project but later on we learn as we build

Yes and we can come away with lot of newly learnt technologies from this project..If we get extra time we might even add some fancier features. Its just that we are committed to doing it and thats what matters

With the exception of the pivots, we finalized our planning over the weekend, got the chrome ext bit working, and have been working on workflow with github branching/merging. Coding is underway!

Anybody ever dealt with bed bugs? :confused: The house is 120 years old (i’m renting the one room) so I’m thinking it’s better just to burn the house down and start over because omg this is horrible

wtf — India blocked behance?

My power went out and destroyed my progress and shut down my wifi

I forgot to say earlier, after I did all this research I was even more interested in how nextdoor handles neighborhoods. So I went digging on their site and it’s a bit labor-intensive on their part, getting a neighborhood set up. I’ll post a link or two when I get home; I’m actually in the car right now

In the mean time — I probably have to go in a sec, but… can we start a list of features/requirements? Maybe use the trello board we started last time?

should we go ahead and get a react-native repo going? Chance’s email about 70+ repos already created… that made me feel like a slacker!

i’m a total novice at Trello, by the way — if I organize things oddly, please feel free to re-arrange

We’re getting there. We’ve kind of ignored the directions and skipped the “clone” step.

i’ve got a few, yep. these kids are going to want me to feed them pretty soon though

I think we should all meet the middle of this week so we don’t leave things to linger etc

i mentioned how much i liked that RN tut you shared — — i liked it so much i signed up for another one by the same guy, RN and Meteor… never used Meteor before, so it’s sort-of going over my head a bit.. . but I dig it.

I’m glad buddy! That’s the only way to learn. Get in over your head and then iron out details

In India our State’s ministers made a decision to connect every house of the state with an internet fiber, water connection

Those guides [p1xt study guides] are amazing and should be required reading for all!

thanks Maybe review the code I wrote, if you think the algorithm needs change let me know

Done! Yeah champagne!

thinking of adding toasts for success / error messages

added toasts. next will work on making projects editable for the creators

i am getting successful response now, but the object is not getting saved. I am not familiar with your Post.create() method.

i can watch you make changes on glitch :slightly_smiling_face: i think your .save callback needs 2 args

Glitch is rad. :smile:

I added a note to the project in github. it’s a minor issue and we can come back to it.

I’ve made a PR. You can take a look

Ok, I think I see what you mean. Didn’t have a chance to do any work this morning, and will struggle tomorrow too. Thursday I should be back on my game.

it’s a whopper

This what I am thinking of for the dashboard. As we code I think we can come up with changes to the ui.

Yea what we are doing is good and great. I already learned react syntax which I didn’t know anything about before working on this. So, I am learning a lot from this.

I realize I haven’t been following waffle.io as I should and I apologize. I noticed Tom’s “Views” that had been posted 5 days ago. Ill make some mock-ups asap.

@channel i just pushed and merged an in-progress version of the profile component. i still have a lot of work to do on it (want to add a couple more fields, add a preview of the existing profile data, and i know `skills` is not going to map correctly to `certs` until the back end is changed). but i can’t get it to successfully save a $%^^#$ post so i gotta get that figured out first. if anybody has a minute to look at it and see if they can figure out why it isn’t working that would be cool. the error i’m getting is just `Error: Request failed with status code 404`

excellent! Thanks for reviewing that!

I will merge unless anyone objects. This is the first time I’ve merged into development so I am holding my breath :sweat_smile:

merged! :tada:

ok, we have so one more task done :wink:

Whenever you are less busy try reading the code so as to catch up with what we are doing. And if there’s anything you don’t understand feel free to reach out and ask

I think we should screenshare and get the backend set up together as I’m not too sure what I’m doing with that

Will give it a go. Almost done learning the basics of react.

Just checking in guys, my daughters birthday today

Father-daughter time — nice!

if ya’ll need anything hit me up alright :wink:

keep up the good work!!!

idk if you remember but there was a random idea i had while reading Mastery by Robert Greene, and a few other articles etc regarding tech and improvement…..idk how exactly this can be implemented in the Chingus, but I was wondering what youd think about a…mentorship program in the Chingus, (although this could be difficult because devs can get very busy, and idk if the Chingus would need to mature a bit for this to even happen)

in addition to having “grit,” having a mentor also seems to exponentially speed up progress for an individual! but…yeah i have no idea if it’s possible or if it’s a good idea for the cohorts lol

I did make a bot (well not live but functional), it was a complex one, but I can assure you your node experience is well enough. I had zero skills with nodejs when starting it and I was able to show what I wanted.

you seems to know how to do it, so let me do it instead :stuck_out_tongue:

I got a unicorn telling me it was taking too much

hello chingus. wassup.

what are you guys working on right now that would blow any future employer away? :smile:

@p1xt ML guide please :aww-onion-head: :admire-onion:

Kaas wo O_o

Are you guys sassing each other in Eskimo talk?

hahah my co workers are looking at me cuz I can’t stop laughing

reading other languages is fun, ’cause i like to pretend i’m Antonio Banderas in The 13th Warrior… and any second now im gonna learn what they’re really saying and realize they’ve just insulted my mother :laughing_2:

(didn’t mean to stop the hindi convo! keep doin’ what you’re doing!)

american born confused desi

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if you’re in need of translation services, C-3PO is fluent in more than 6 million forms of communication

oh I just missed the huge hindi conversation. Damn!

Temere bot says: Your random name is: *Fuzzy Europe*

My profile pic is a Petroglyphs from the area I’m currently living (las vegas). One of the areas of interest I have is in learning about ancient people and cultures, which ties into my own Native American heritage. One of the amazing things to me is the way things were communicated from generation to generation with these types of petroglyphs, as such I look at them as a form of “human source code”.

I wish I found Chingu earlier!

ok — these guys are bugging me to feed them. i’ll keep checking back here though

We should proceed in order of priority of the section to most insure we complete this project and not in 3 years lol.

i coded literally all day today getting this update thing working. made a ton of progress its nearly complete

Also, going back to the database question, should we use mongo or firebase. I ask because firebase has “authentication”. So that could be the initial app you mentioned above

That said, I saw Chingu folks talking about limitations on Firebase, as you get bigger? need to go back and read that convo. i think it was earlier today.

I’ll be going out for a few :beers: later then a nodejs meetup

Why does nowhere teach the new syntax?

5 am is anybody alive?

I’m off to play in a kiddie pool! Stay cool!! :sunny::fire:

Usual time tomorrow it is. Our tree is getting so many branches its a bush.

Soz, have just caught up with the chat. I have been finishing my section. I’m around this afternoon, though having a lunch break now.

Your feature looks good.

oh stop it! I will blush any second now :teehee_bunny:

The challenge now is getting your flexbox to work responsively. That took me a whole morning.

So since it will be harder for us already let’s maybe give each other time to finish up ( I will also get my webpack mojo going to join the adult conversation about it :smile: ) and reconvene tomorrow?

I really like the direction our website is going your components guys look *very slick*

Yeah, let’s reconvene tomorrow. I’ll have the featured jobs component ready by then.

i have always believed in being judged on merit not words. im a fantastic bullshitter and I’ve talked my way through most of my life.

i think one of the reasons i am so passionate about coding is that i dont have to talk. i say what im going to do and i make it reality. i deliver code not promises.

Well its 11:48 am in Nigeria here

im shy :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess even if it’s almost a clone of some of nextdoor it’s ok. We can always make cool tweak in the details

it’s a build-to-*learn* project. Imitation is a big part of learning. It’s not like we’re trying to make a business out of this, or anything. We’re just learning.

I think I’m burnt out :disappointed: nyone want to hire me as a front end dev remotely and pay me $85K?

i’m starting to get lost in my own code tbh. the project is quickly outgrowing my abilities :wink:

Noooooo!!!!!!!!!! Well I’ve been able to read and understand it so I’d say you’re doing pretty good :wink: Plus, once that application process is done, it’ll almost be complete!

I worked at home for 5 years in another industry, I LOVED it. My goal is to get another remote job that will pay enough to cover my bills and lifestyle.

Anyone wanna hire me and pay me enough to move out of my dad’s basement~

is left-handedness a bad thing in italian culture?

Do what I do….blame everything on kornil

:tada: merged :tada:

okay I’ll see what ideas I can add but you can have a bot in minutes, maybe an hour or two if you’re not sure.

Do you need any resource to get started or you’re fine?

i’ll manage

I know :slightly_smiling_face:

Does anyone have experience in ecommerce — just wondering about security protocols for credit card processing

I went to a bootcamp, really enjoyed the experience. It was a great foundation to help me continue to self learn, I wouldn’t rely on it as the ONLY education for any developer, but if you have the $$ and prefer the classroom setting I think it’s a good start, depending on the school of course.

It also provided with local community, which alone was worth it.

Completed tasks assigned to me in B2L project, got positive team review today

I have never touched the snow




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Chance McAllister
Chance McAllister

Written by Chance McAllister

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: chingu.io

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