The identity behind Cartagena de Indias gastronomy

Tropical Experience
2 min readFeb 1, 2019


Cartagena is the favorite destination of millions of citizens around the world. In 2017, 6.7 million tourists preferred it as the ideal place to vacation. There’re tons of reasons: Cartagena is so beautiful it makes it impossible to resist to it. A proof of this is its gastronomy.

As a good coastal city, sea fruits can’t be missing from the Cartagena table. The big difference, compared with other places, is that here, flavor is not only local coast: In Cartagena, multiculturalism has created a gastronomic fusion only possible when Africa, the Mediterranean and South America become a single entity. There’re countless references made by visitors who got caught within the Cartagena taste and flavor.

Here’s a brief example: Anthony Bourdain. You can read his culinary chronicle here:

Meanwhile, at Tropical Experience we recommend this three-course menu:

1. Breakfast: arepa 'e huevo

The arepa is a symbol only shared between Colombia and Venezuela. The only feature that distinguishes them is that in Cartagena and the entire Colombian coast we prepare them with fried eggs inside. It's an act of magic: the fried cornmeal disk remains intact, and the egg, inside. It’s perfect to breakfast.

2. Luch: arroz con coco

As you know, coconut is the most Caribbean thing it exists. But, what happens when rice (oriental tradition, without a doubt) is prepared in coconut oil? And, as if it wasn’t enough: it’s accompanied by patacones (green plantain crushed into disk shapes) and fried fish. The answer can only be an indescribable pleasure that will leave you speechless.

3. Dinner: carimañolas

Yucca happens to be a part of all the native Cartagena dishes. The Carimañolas (filled cassava dough balls) are one of them. And, if you add some serum, hmmm! You’ll understand why in Cartagena even the food dances.

