A short story: Chapter 4

2 min readDec 24, 2023


A request to join the tribe

Days turned into weeks, and the Tropical Island became more than a temporary refuge for Drifter — it began to feel like home. He yearned to become a part of this paradise, to learn the language of this land and its people, and to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Papples.

One day, he mustered his courage and approached the tribe, making gestures that he hoped would convey his desire to join them. The tribal council, a group of wise elders, exchanged glances and then watched him with curiosity-filled eyes.

Through hand signs and a game of charades, Drifter managed to convey his intentions. The elders held a brief, animated discussion in their unique tongue, their eyes occasionally flicking towards him. Eventually, the eldest among them, a man with age lines that read like a storybook of wisdom, stepped forward.

With a solemn expression, he gestured towards the highest peak on the island, where a silhouette of an ancient temple graced the skyline. He then mimed a person climbing to the top, collecting something, and returning. His meaning was clear: to join their tribe, Drifter needed to embark on a pilgrimage.

Drifter nodded, a surge of determination flowing through him. He had survived a shipwreck, and he would endure this. His journey towards truly embracing the ways of the Tropical Island and the power of the Papple had just begun.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!




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