The Death of Intellect

Elder K. Drew Twain
2 min readDec 20, 2016


I was looking back over things I had written and found a rant I had written on President Obama’s speech to educators in September of 2009.

There are a lot more nut jobs that are crazier than Obama — take me for example. I’ve racked my brains for a segue into sex on this post and I’ll be fucked that I can’t think of one.

I wrote something once — I don’t know why, probably because I’d met a shallow bastard and he or she had pissed me off –

People make themselves shallow because they don’t want to see the reality. Shallowness is their safety net.

I can’t even agree with myself. Pretending the water is shallow when you are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is pretty damn stupid. And there are a lot of pretty damn stupid people out there and apparently a bunch of them are educators and parents.

President Obama is giving a speech on Tuesday about the importance of education and critical thinking to the students across the nation. Parents are proving my point by either pulling their kids from school next Tuesday or calling and haranguing local school boards. Local school administrators are cowering and making concessions because — because we’ve lost our ability to take a position in this country about what is right and tell the rabble that they are simply fucking wrong.

The knee jerk, racist and uneducated reaction is “We can’t let our kids hear that!” Where is the school administrator with the balls to say “Our job as educators is to teach kids critical thinking. Every student has to watch this. If they disagree fine, but the little brats need to learn how to articulate their disagreement. Their idiot parents can only resort to yelling.”

I have a theory. Obama is a threat because he is smart. Somewhere in the amygdala, the parents and educators know that and a sort of a Darwinistic panic sets in as they see that they are indeed not the fittest and may not survive (especially because 50 million of them don’t have health insurance). The parents and educators don’t want their young skulls of mush shown anything that might make sense, because then why would the children listen to them?

If your kid can’t handle a speech by Obama about how important her education is, how is she going to handle the crackpots on the Internet?

And here we are almost eight years later — at least I answered my question. The children (and their parents) won’t know how to handle the crackpots on the Internet — particularly one real guy on Twitter.



Elder K. Drew Twain

There is IQ (Intelligence Quotient), EIQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient, but what about SIQ (Sexual Intelligence Quotient)?