How to spin a drum stick

Troy Buragohain
1 min readJul 31, 2022


Recently I started drumming and learning how to play the drums and I know drummers spin their drum stick so I wanted to learn how to spin one too(and look cool in the rehearsal) so I watched some YouTube videos and you can also do it with a pen but a drum stick is easier and I used a drum stick and tried it and it was kind of easy but still took some practice. First if you are right handed put the drum stick between your index finger and middle finger on your right hand but don’t hold it too tight otherwise it won’t spin and don’t hold it too light or it will fall. If you are left handed do the same thing but on the left hand. Cross your index finger over the drum stick. Next turn your hand to the side. Keep doing that and it should start spinning.

It took about one day to consistently do it. The hardest part was that my fingers started to hurt if I did it too much.

