Anchoring to the Present Moment

How to pull yourself back to shores of presence when lost at sea

Troy Erstling
7 min readNov 1, 2018

Imagine you’re sitting in a boat, relaxing and enjoying the calm waves on a beautiful sunny day.

You lose track of time, and in your relaxation drift off to sleep.

Next thing you know you wake up, but suddenly the shore is no longer in sight. You’ve drifted out to sea.

Luckily, you have your paddles with you…but now it’s going to take a lot of time, energy, and effort to get your ass back home.

How could we have prevented this from happening in the first place?


Yes, the simple act of putting an anchor down could have prevented you from drifting out to sea. If your boat began to drift, the anchor would have caught you and saved you all the time and energy of having to get back to shore.

Similarly in life, I believe that when the storms of life make us drift out to sea, we can use anchors to return back to the shores of presence.

We can use positive habits of presence, mindfulness, and gratitude as the anchors that bring us back to ourselves when we have gotten lost in the seas of our mind.

