My Epic Daily Routine

Troy Erstling
10 min readJun 2, 2016

I have a pretty epic morning/daily routine. Personally, I think It’s awesome. It’s also getting better as I get older and continue to refine/improve what works and what doesn’t. Many of you might look at this and say “How the hell do you fit all of that into one day?!”, but I make it work. For me it comes down to prioritization — these are things that I prioritize because I know that they will make me a happier, more productive, more amazing individual. I still have a lot of room for improvement, but so far I believe I have a daily routine that is amongst the greats.

Curious? Here we go.

1) Wake up @around 6am: I don’t use alarm clocks as I find that they disrupt my natural sleep cycles. Some mornings I wake up earlier, some mornings I wake up later. Generally speaking I’m usually up by around 6am, give or take. (*Note — this one took some practice. I used to wake up around this time, only to think it was too early, and then go back to bed for another hour and a half-2 hours. I found that when I would take this extra 1.5–2 hours of sleep I would actually wake up groggier and less clear headed than if I just got up when my body initially woke up. For this reason I have started simply getting out of bed right when my eyes first open in the morning, and it’s made a huge difference).

2) Immediately walk into the kitchen and drink 2 cups of water (~5 mins). Drinking water right when you wake up in the morning wakes your body up, gets the metabolism moving, and is generally very healthy for you. Go do research if you don’t…

