Dedicated to Life’s Fullest Version

2 min readFeb 4, 2016


Have you ever had a moment where you were actually living life in it’s fullest version? Like a hero in a legendary tale that overcomes all odds and discovers the freedom in finding their true calling. Have you ever experienced that kind of gratification?

For me, those moments can seem like distant silhouettes to the background of my life thus far and get harder to distinguish after months fade to years and leave me wondering how many more of those precious triumphs will I get.

I was talking to a friend today about life callings and was reminded how we know there is more to our stories but are quick to read only the headlines of someone else’s “fullest version” rather than dedicate the time needed to translate God’s almost “choose your own adventure” version for ourselves.

I think about how dedicated would I be to God’s calling on my life if He let me just have someone else’s version and make it my own. I’m pretty sure it would turn into more of me telling my version and defeat the purpose of a true calling from God.

It’s encouraging to be reminded that while God writes everyone’s stories, He has also written, sealed, and when we have faith, breaks in and delivers the our fullest version precisley when we are ready to answer His calling. How dedicated are we to seek God’s fullest version? If God asks the audacious, and comes to us in desperate times, would we be dedicated enough to the calling He has for each of us?

