Why I Love iPad for Writing

t. r. perry
3 min readJul 27, 2022

Find your device, find your rhythm

Photo by Tony Sebastian on Unsplash

Every trade has their tools. Doctors have stethescopes, lawyers have fountain pens, and writers have computers. Today, I am here to talk about my favorite device to write on… my iPad.

I discovered my love for writing on the iPad during an unfortunate stint of about 3 months when I had to forgo using my Macbook due to an even more unfortunate spillage of tea and milk all over the keyboard…

Anyway, they say accidents can create beautiful opportunities, and that’s exactly what happened to me. During those three months, I was forced to use my iPad (not the Air, not the Pro, just the basic $300 model) as my main laptop. And during that time, I wrote most of the second book in my trilogy as well as my novella. Even though I’ve since gone back to using my Macbook, I have slowly realized that I actually still prefer using my iPad — specifically for when I am out and about and not writing at home. Here’s what I love about using my iPad.

It is so portable

One of my favorite things about my iPad is its portability. The 1ish pound device fits comfortably in my pretty small purse. This is awesome because it is lightweight, doesn’t require a clunky case with strap, and is easily placed anyhere. I keep it in a thin case that opens up with a stand and a cloth cover…



t. r. perry

I write about mindfulness, minimalism, intentionality and content creation. www.tiffanyrperry.com