How To Clean Carpets And Stop Asthma And Allergies?

Tru Blue Carpet Cleaning
3 min readDec 22, 2022


Spring has sprung and this is usually the season where a lot of people develop hay fever and other allergy symptoms due to the many pollen and allergens in the air. Allergens are hard to avoid since many of them float in the air. Professional Carpet Cleaning Perth (like dusting and vacuuming) can stir up the air and the allergens in it. Just like other particles in the air, sometimes cleaning products can “trigger” an asthma attack but it is still important to clean. If you don’t dust and clean, mold and other allergens will build up, making asthma symptoms worse.

Carpet Cleaning Services

If You Have Allergies Or Asthma, Here Are Some Important Tips:

  • Read and follow label directions on cleaning products. The label directions give the proper amount of product to use, how to use the product and any special safety advice.
  • If you use spray products, spray the cleaner on a cloth or sponge first instead of on the surface. You can use it in residential carpet cleaning services.
  • Break your cleaning into small tasks. Spread it out over several days instead of doing it all at once.
  • Clean in a “well-ventilated” area — open a door and a window or turn on an exhaust fan. Leave the room when you are done cleaning and allow the room to air out.
  • Try using cleaning products that have no scent or are perfume free. Try different products to find the ones that work best for you.
  • If your asthma is severe, have someone else do the cleaning. Try to leave home before the cleaning is done. If you must do the cleaning yourself, wear a mask. Have asthmatic children leave the room when cleaning is being done. Don’t ask children with asthma to dust or vacuum. Have them do other chores like washing dishes, taking out the trash, etc.
  • Use cleaning products that are “green”. Ones without hazardous ingredients including VOC’s (volatile organic compounds).

If you follow some easy carpet cleaning steps you can clean safely without disrupting your life with allergy and asthma symptoms. Also you can read our blogs for top strategies for carpet cleaning.

Briefly speaking, allergies can aggravate if you get in touch with the triggers. That’s the reason why it is better to clean the areas where the pollutants are too many. A home that has dirty curtains, carpets and other issues Whether children or adults, those who suffer from asthma would get affected with the triggers like polluted air, dust particles and dirt. Even mold has the potential to create asthma symptoms in patients. Apart from that ventilation should be good enough and at the same time, there has to be better solutions for sure. If you yourself have asthma then it would be better to talk to the professional carpet cleaning. A reputable carpet cleaning service will help you in various ways and they know what kind of solutions you can portray. Take the relevant steps that would be useful.

All Aces Services is a restoration services company offering cleaning, protection, and restoration services for our residential and commercial customers. You can check our blog 4 Things That Can Help You To Restore Flooded Carpets.

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Tru Blue Carpet Cleaning

Tru Blue Carpet Cleaning is a leading professional carpet cleaning company in Perth.