Harvard Ventures

2014 in Review

Brian Truong
7 min readDec 8, 2014



Harvard Ventures aims to foster Harvard startup community by providing students with the resources, skills, and community to learn about and engage with entrepreneurship and venture capital.

The 2014 Board

Harvard ‘15: Brian Truong, Iva Milo, Jordan Harshman, and Aditi Ghai | ‘16: Alan Xie, Lisa Wang, and Roger Zurawicki | ‘17: Ben Pleat, Catherine Le, Eric Ouyang, Tomas Reimers, Constantin Knoll, and Andy Tran
‘15: Ibrahim Sheikh, Josh Shih, Kelly Ren, Talitha Kirchner, Xiao Yu | ‘16: Carl Fernandes, Preston Hedrick, Sierra Fan | ‘17: Angela Jiang, Chuyue Zhou, Helen Cummings, Isabella Chiu, Jacques van Rhyn, Jayant Sani, Lyon Qiao, Patrick Siaw-Asamoah

By the Numbers

From February until December 2014, here was our progress:


more subscribers on our newsletter and email lists,
bringing the total count to 2125 (compared to 635 in 2013)


entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and executives
came out to speak at our events (compared to ~15 in 2013)


events hosted (compared to 8 in 2013)


attendees at our events


increase in sponsorship dollars raised (over 2013)


new Associates (compared to 0 in 2013)


students signed up to work on projects in the group in the fall
38 Freshmen, 7 Sophomores, 9 Juniors, 6 Seniors, 1 Grad Student


all-star Advisors joined our newly minted board
(see below)


HackHarvard joined our team

Keynote Events

Harvard I/O: Each of the 7 speakers had 7 minutes (Harvard time) to speak about a big idea that they had. Partnering with the other student groups in HITEC, we brought in all-star founders, faculty, and students to speak about their experiences.


  • Daniel Nadler (Co-Founder of Kensho)
  • Akhil Nigam (Founder/President of MassChallenge)
  • Krzysztof Gajos (Professor in EECS at Harvard)
  • Perry Hewitt (Chief Digital Officer at Harvard)
  • Sujay Tyle (Thiel Fellow)
  • Saagar Deshpande (Former President of HCS)
  • Amy Yin (Former President of WiCS)
(4/25/14) From left to right: John McCallum, Alex Wirth, Jonathan Marks, Avin Bansal and Aaron White

Harvard Ventures $1000 Pitch: We hosted our very first ever pitch competition this past April, where student startups presented their ideas to a panel of VCs in speed rounds of 3 minutes. The winners, SprayCake (John McCallum and Brooke Nowakowski) and Quorum (Alex Wirth and Jonathan Marks), each took home a $500 prize.


  • BairSKIN: Tyler Kugler and David Bicknell
  • GiftGuru: Lili Jiang and Stella Pantela
  • GoNative.io: John Snyder
  • InnerCircles: Wilson Qin and Vincent Li
  • Memora: Merrill Lutsky and Blake Elias
  • Quorum: Alex Wirth and Jonathan Marks
  • owlhub: Arne Zeising and Hendrik Makait
  • Ownly: Dasol Shin and Danni Xie
  • Padibility: Timothy Hopper, Naji Filali, Angie Peng, Brandon Gerberich, and Will Clerx
  • SpeakEasy: Eric Wei
  • Spray Cake: John McCallum and Brooke Nowakowski


Startups and Mocktails: During Visitas, Harvard’s visiting days for new admits to the College, we hosted a session to show prospective Freshmen what the entrepreneurship scene on campus was like. We had 100+ “pre-frosh” come out! (In other words, the startup scene in future classes at Harvard will be live and well).

Bitcoin 2.0: On this panel, our guests spoke about how Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies work, how they are changing markets and the way we spend, and if they are here to stay.


Evening of Ventures: Our team hosted our third annual Evening of Ventures, a one-day mini-conference that kicks off our events for the fall semester and gives students the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship and venture capital. Topics ranged from best practices when starting a company to industry trends to how to break into the industry as a young person. The event consisted of two main panels, one of entrepreneurs and one of VCs.

Entrepreneur Panel:

Venture Capital Panel:

E-Commerce Tomorrow: We hosted a panel on the future of E-Commerce. Our panelists spoke about their own stories in founding their companies and dove right into what made them successful: branding, merchandising, marketing strategy, business model, technologies built, and fundraising (or lack thereof).



Harvard HackFest: In partnership with the Harvard Crimson, we helped them host Harvard HackFest, the first campus-wide hackathon at Harvard. After 24 hours of building, the hackathon awarded $500 per person to the winning team. We also had our very own Advisor, David Chang (COO of PayPal Media), speak as a keynote at the event!

Public Safety Hackathon: Sponsored by Evidence.com, we held our second annual Public Safety Hackathon at the i-Lab. Students had the opportunity to interact with law enforcement and develop solutions for police officers and other members of public safety. The first place prize was a $1000 cash prize and a trip to Evidence.com headquarters!


Graduating into Your Own Startup: On this panel, students had the chance to hear the stories of five entrepreneurs and how they built their companies from their dorm rooms. We learned lessons on how to hustle as a young person, the do’s and don’ts of starting a company, and how to know when you’re onto something.


  • Daniel Ahmadizadeh (Founder of Rentity)
  • Chris Coleman (Founder of SavySwap)
  • Ofo Ezeugwu (Founder and CEO of WhoseYourLandlord)
  • Cynthia Haas (Founder of Dear Little Girl)
  • Iqram Magdon (Founder and CEO of Venmo)


HackNights (times 4): This year, HackHarvard relaunched HackNights, a weekly session to meet similarly-interested people (in computer science, software, tech, and entrepreneurship), share ideas, and hack on projects together.

Winter Xcelerate: We are in the midst of planning a week-long incubation program in the i-Lab for students to build out their projects during Harvard Wintersession. During the week, we will host daily talks from veteran entrepreneurs and venture capitalists as well as workshops on business development and technical skills. The program will culminate in a Demo Day for the public!

Workshops, Coffee Chats, and Other Events


These folks help us figure out right from wrong. We’re in good company.


Special thanks to our sponsors who made all of this possible.

Incoming Board

This team will run the show in 2015.

Eric Ouyang ‘17

Vice President
Ben Pleat ‘17

Director of Finance
Chuyue Zhou ‘17

Director of Development
Isabella Chiu ‘17

Co-Directors of Partnerships
Lisa Wang ‘16 and Julia Qin ‘18

Director of Community Events
Curren Iyer ‘17

Director of Education
William Wu ‘18

Director of Internal Affairs
Jacques van Rhyn ‘17

Director of Media
Kristina (Nicki) Liang ‘18

Director of Marketing
Aleeza Hashmi ‘16

Director of Design
Catherine Le ‘17

Director of Technology
Mehdi Aourir ‘17

Associate Directors:
Carlo Bocconcelli ‘18
Eric Chen ‘18
Joanna Chung ‘18
Stephanie Guo ‘18
Joseph Kahn ‘18
Ibrahim Sheikh ‘16
Andy Tran ‘17


(Join us here.)



Brian Truong

2x VC-backed founder. GP at Graph Ventures. Previously at Blackstone and Bessemer | Harvard and Thiel Fellowship. truongbrian.com