Confessions of a Trucker: The Good, the Bad, and the Miles

3 min readMar 28, 2024
Truck Verse

They call us knights of the road, kings of the highway. The truth? We’re truckers. Rough around the edges, fueled by coffee and regret, but damn proud of the invisible supply chain we keep chugging along. This isn’t an office job, folks. Here, the miles unfurl like a never-ending ribbon, and the truck becomes your home, your prison, your sanctuary — all rolled into one. Buckle up, cause I’m spilling the trucker confessions: the good, the bad, and the never-ending miles.

The Good: Freedom with a Capital F

Let’s get this straight — the open road is a powerful drug. Sunsets that paint the sky in fiery hues, untouched wilderness stretching out for miles, a symphony of truck dispatch horns at a rest stop — it’s a beauty you can’t experience stuck in a cubicle. You’re your own boss (most of the time), picking your routes, blasting your tunes, and setting your own pace. There’s a sense of accomplishment in delivering a load on time, knowing your part of something bigger, keeping the wheels of commerce turning.

The Bad: The Grind Never Stops

Freedom comes at a cost. You miss birthdays, anniversaries, holidays — your life becomes a constant game of catch-up. Sleep is a luxury, often snatched in stolen moments at greasy truck stops. The loneliness can be soul-crushing, the endless stretches of highway punctuated only by the rumble of the engine and the drone of your own thoughts. Fast food becomes your best friend (and worst enemy), the miles piling on as your health takes a back seat.

The Miles: They Tell a Story

But the miles, oh, the miles — they tell a story. Each one etched with a memory, a challenge overcome, a kindness received from a fellow trucker on a lonely stretch of road. You learn to read the weather in the changing sky, navigate by the stars, and find camaraderie in the unlikeliest places — a greasy spoon at dawn, a crowded rest stop on a holiday weekend.

Confessions of the Road

We’ve all got our secrets, things we wouldn’t dare tell our families back home. Speeding to make a tight deadline. Pushing past exhaustion because the bills need paying. The occasional detour for a scenic overlook, a stolen nap under a star-studded sky. We bend the rules, sometimes, but at the heart of it, there’s a deep respect for the road and a fierce protectiveness of our fellow travelers.

Trucker Camaraderie: A Different Kind of Family

Truckers might seem like a solitary bunch, but there’s a strong sense of community on the road. A wave and a smile to a fellow driver is a silent acknowledgement of shared struggles and triumphs. CB radios crackle with camaraderie, offering directions, warnings, and sometimes, just a friendly chat to break the monotony. We look out for each other, a network of weary souls bound by the endless ribbon of asphalt.

The Final Confession: It Gets Under Your Skin

Trucking isn’t just a job; it’s a way of life. It gets under your skin, seeps into your bones. You crave the open road, the rumble of the engine, the thrill of the unknown around the next bend. It’s not for everyone, this life on wheels. But for those of us who answer the call, there’s a deep satisfaction, a connection to something bigger than ourselves.

So, the next time you see a big rig barreling down the highway, remember — there’s a story behind the wheel. A story of sacrifice, of resilience, and a love for the open road that some folks just can’t understand. We may be rough around the edges, but trust me, there’s a heart beating under that trucker hat, fueled by coffee, regret, and a million miles of experiences.

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