1 min readApr 27, 2020


TrueCoach Lead Backend Developer here. Thanks so much for reporting this! It was definitely a blind spot for us and an issue well worth fixing.

We shipped a fix to delete the asset at about 9am Mountain Time this morning. The cached version of any deleted asset should be unavailable after12 hours. You can confirm the asset is deleted sooner than 12 hours by going into the generated markup and retrieving the uncached S3 URL, then deleting the asset. The S3 URL will begin to 404 a short time (nearly instantaneously) after deletion.

Your old links will continue to be valid, however. Combing through S3 assets and attempting to determine which are invalid and should be deleted would be a brittle process, unfortunately, and one we won’t be attempting. However, if you have specific URLs you’d like us to ensure are removed we can delete those individually via a support ticket.

Currently we have no plans to expire the cache faster than 12 hours on asset deletion, but I’m sure it’s something we’ll continue to discuss as a team moving forward.

Thanks again for your diligence reporting this. We do appreciate the help!

  • Adam

