CHER Eco City Green Fund (ECO CITY LOVE) membership

CHER Ecocity
3 min readJan 29, 2018


Earth is a beautiful living planet of the Universe. We get everythingin life from mother earth. Together, we shall save our planet andensure that our future generations have a clean and healthyenvironment. The Earth provides us with everything but asks for nothing in return . Let us all do our part in looking after Planet Earth. In turn, Planet Earth will look after us. Planet Earth will give us clean water free from harmful carbonic acid that destroys the habitat of fishes, destroys the beautiful corals. Planet Earth gives us drinking water, water for irrigation and water for power generation. Let us clean up the rivers and refrain from further polluting the water.

Let us reduce CO2, limit global warming and reduce climate change, so that our children and their children can enjoy a fresh and clean environment

​Donate at least one CHE Token ($1/-) and be a responsible eco member of ECO CITY LOVE .

Join up and be eligible to use the ECO CITY LOVE badge. Check the ECO CITY LOVE list on our website to find who are your fellow members. Interact and network with other members

CHER Eco City will be holding events worldwide for ECO CITY LOVE members. Show your badge to enjoy worldwide discounts for restaurants, shops, sporting events, transport and other services

Love our planet, love each other, Send us your name today

Investors of CHE tokens can donate any number of tokens to our designated carbon black hole. These tokens are destroyed and the value is at the same time redeemed at the CHER Eco city Green Fund (ECO CITY LOVE). Owners of redeemed tokens who do not wish to remain anonymous will have their name and amount edged (only if member wishes to have the amount shown) on our ECO CITY LOVE plaque. Investors are at the same time increasing the value of the CHE token due to the reduced token float at the CHE ecosystem.

Investors of CHE tokens can choose when and how much they want to contribute to reducing climate change and cleaning the environment by our CHER eco mobile app.

Email us at with the following
1. Name
2. Email address
3. Amount of CHE Tokens to buy.
4. Amount to donate to ECO CITY LOVE Green Fund.
5. Allow/disallow name to be listed on website.
6. Allow/disallow amount shown on website.



CHER Ecocity

The Blockchain based first Investment Project for Creating a True Eco city. CHER is a Eco City with luxurious amenities like racecourse, 5 star hotel, casino.