Meet Morrigan, the Celtic Goddess of Sovereignity and the OG of Standing On Business

Dr. Nicole Mendoza
5 min readDec 11, 2023
Morrigan, the Celtic goddess of war, fate, and magic, teaches us to reclaim our soul sovereignty and stand firm in our truth, embodying strength and adaptability in our journey towards authentic self-governance

Picture this: in the twilight of an ancient forest, there’s Morrigan, the Celtic goddess of war, rocking that deep auburn hair and fierce eyes that scream “I’m a baddie.” But she’s not just any deity; she’s the epitome of raw power, strutting the line between life and death like she owns it. Her vibe can be downright intimidating, especially to the folks who aren’t used to a woman who knows how to truly command her space. Why? Because Morrigan doesn’t just challenge the status quo; she flips it on its head. She’s all about raw, unfiltered femininity — the kind that doesn’t play by the rules.

In today’s world, where being your true self, especially if you’re a woman or from a marginalized group, can feel like an uphill battle, Morrigan is more relevant than ever. She’s not just about defying norms; she’s about rewriting them. She represents diving deep into your true identity, shadows and all, and coming out the other side, stronger than ever. In a society eager to label, Morrigan stands tall as a symbol of fierce independence and self-empowerment. She’s the essence of breaking free from restrictive labels and expectations.

Understanding Soul Sovereignty: More Than Just “Taking Charge”



Dr. Nicole Mendoza

Perspectives on quantum theories, galactic history, healing, and soul development. Subscribe to my substack