True Reply introduces audio-based content aggregation and publishing — for anyone that’s actually easy!

True Reply
1 min readMar 21, 2018


During a recent upgrade to the True Reply platform, we introduced content publishing.

Using True Reply, you can now gather public opinion and then choose the recorded audio you want to make live to your website or blog with a simple click. See & hear it in action at right now!

The ability to gather audio-based feedback and instantly publish it to any website feels truly empowering when you see it in action.

True Reply goes beyond just surveying and market research to also provide a simple & cost-effective solution for automated, audio-based content aggregation then publishing at scale!

More information will be available soon via



True Reply

The automated, voice data platform for collecting and analyzing voice-based data at any scale across telephone, media, or your Amazon Alexa-powered devices.