True Reply & The Bad Crypto Podcast Show Notes

True Reply
5 min readMar 7, 2018


The Bad Crypto Podcast

IMPORTANT: TrueCoin upgraded bounty program and token sale is now live! Click here to register for our referral program and click here to participate in the token sale. Sale ends April 1st, 2018.

Today, True Reply was featured on the Bad Crypto Podcast — the show for the crypto curious!

In preparation for the show, the team at True Reply put together talking / reference points prior to the show. Frankly I was nervous and was terrified of stumbling it all up. I was hoping this doc would help me from getting stuck.

I discovered Joel & Travis (in the Bad Crypto Podcast) last summer (2017) and they quickly became my favorite morning grab after dropping off the kiddies at school in the AM’s. I went into the show as a HUGE fan of theirs.

The interview was fun and the cherry on top was when Joel & Travis popped into our telegram group to say hi to the team!

Of course, I didn’t get to hit all the value propositions of True Reply and our TrueCoin but that’s just how things go.

Here are the notes (as we put them together, in the raw):

BC Show Notes:

What is True Reply:

Before that, what’s happening?

- Advancements in AI, machine-learning, virtual reality, and robotics is pushing our world forward faster than most could imagine

- It’s now possible to turn on lights with our voice, you can order a ride with Uber, order Toothpaste through Amazon, ask Google a question, and play your favorite podcast all with just your voice.

- And all this is possible because of very rudimentary — what I call stage 1 — advancements in technologies like AI and machine learning. Rudimentary by comparison to what will be possible in just a couple of years when we hit stage 2 and stage 3;

- Stage 2 will be getting Siri or Alexa to understand 99% of the time (v.s. what your experience might be like now which is more like 65–75%).

- Stage 3 will be conversational and much more AI driven; Imagine something like HAL in your kitchen (terrifying right, but that’s where we are going)

- Where we are headed is pretty clear, every single computing device you use today is moving towards a dedicated voice-based interface.

True Reply is

- building an ecosystem for data collection, analysis, and understanding for a world driven by voice-based interfaces.

- What does that mean?

- Today, we help companies and foundations launch automated, voice-based surveys at scale. Imagine one of those “Press 1 if you want support, Press 2 if you want sales” — that’s what’s known as an IVR system, or integrated voice response. Take that concept and throw it out. Now instead of pressing buttons, we allow anyone to create an automated voice-based survey or interview with open-ended questions. And that’s the key — open ended questions; that’s where what we call “beautiful variety” happens. By allowing people to answer without limitations or restrictions you get 10x more contextual data.

- We offer a couple of options to launching a survey — via telephone or via the Amazon Alexa (i’ll come back to the amazon alexa in a minute because that ’s when things get interesting for your audience). However, launching a telephone based survey allows us to collect all those open-ended answers. They are recorded and made available, individually, via our platform.

- Once we have the recorded responses we transcribe and open-index all those responses so that they can be searched, filtered and reported on. When you see the end result, you really get the power of voice.

- We sit in a sweet spot between online form-based surveys and Focus groups or face to face interviews.

- Online forms are cheap, very cheap and provide great insight & reporting; But they’re one dimensional and by that I mean they lack emotional understanding.

- Focus groups & face to face interviews offer tons of emotional understanding but are expensive, time consuming, and generally hard to pull data out of without manually getting participant response data into a reporting platform of some kind.

- True Reply has the ability to capture and analyze emotion and empathy in addition to responses while also providing the deep analytics into those responses. We bring the convenience of online forms and the emotional access of focus groups.

- all in a way that is extremely accessible and cost-effective.

- Imagine surveying the population on how they feel about the U.S governments position on gun violence. Then wanting to zero in on the percentage of people with key trigger words like “scary,” “Dangerous,” or “controlled.” Thats what we do with True Reply. We let you zero in on the people that used those exact words then give you the ability to hear their exact responses in their own words. That’s powerful stuff.

The TrueCoin Economy

- pay as you go; credit card or truecoin

- 150 Person survey with 3 questions; The maximum cost of that is about $1.00 per answer so about $3.00 per participant; So a True Survey of 150 would cost $450. And with that you get all the stuff we talked about.

- $1 = 1 TrueCoin

- in the early stages of our roll out — say the first 6–8 months, we’ll be essentially be buying back TrueCoin from the community then releasing back via a public exchange.

- as client adoption of TrueCoin grows, our clients will be buying TrueCoin directly from the community.

The Empathy Algorithm

- Future of True Reply is much bigger — today we analyze for sentiment, demographics, keywords, etc. But we’re currently building the tech you only see in movies or hear about the government using. Tech that we will make accessible and available for anyone to use. Specifically, pure voice based analysis — so by analyzing the tone, inflection, and speed of a persons voice (among several other variables) you’re able to gauge intention, emotion, sentiment and so much more.

- Think about the phrase “I am ok” — how many times have you heard that phrase an KNEW the person meant the exact opposite.

- Our goal is to teach systems like Alexa or Siri to know that too.

To Joel & Travis, thank you. It means the world to me that you had True Reply on the show AND that I get to scratch “Meeting Joel & Travis” off my bucket list!

Stay bad!!!



True Reply

The automated, voice data platform for collecting and analyzing voice-based data at any scale across telephone, media, or your Amazon Alexa-powered devices.