2 min readOct 30, 2022


Eat that extra cream cake. Down that last beer in the pack, even though you have work tomorrow. Skip that run in favour of consuming more reality TV. Spend another hour scrolling pointless social media feeds…..

After all, YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, right?


The world is OBSESSED with the pursuit of short term gratification and comfort. The next hit for a dopamine junkie.

But we KNOW it’s wrong. We know the actions described above are detrimental to our lives, our goals and usually our health. But to ‘justify’ them we convince ourselves that we need and ‘deserve’ them. How? You Only Live Once right?


We DO only live once. But it shouldn’t be used as an EXCUSE.

It should be used as motivation to take the RIGHT actions.

Make YOUR YOLO the drive behind striving for LONG-TERM fulfilment. Something MEANINGFUL. Leave that extra cream cake. Save that beer for another day, get to bed so you feel refreshed for your work. Smash that workout you weren’t really ‘feeling’, read something educational and choose spending extra time with your family over scrolling.

YOLO should inspire you to strive for your potential, to create the person and life that you WANT. Lead your family and friends by EXAMPLE and inspire EVERYONE to aim higher.

YOLO. Be TrueSapien.

**Learn more about the TrueSapien movement at TrueSapien.com or download the App**




To be Sapien is your birthright. To be TrueSapien is a choice. Reject mediocrity and challenge life! Be TrueSapien.