What Food Do You Put Truffle Sea Salt On?

Joseph Brown
3 min readMar 1, 2018


Have you recently received a jar of precious black truffle sea salt as a present but you really don’t know what to do with it? Well, this article is just right for you because I am going to show you five things you should put your truffle salt on!

But one thing you should know before doing anything on your truffle sea salt: Do not use it for cooking! The delicate composition of the truffle salt (the one that makes it a very expensive salt) breaks easily in extreme temperature. So if you do not want to put your truffle salt to waste, then follow me when I say do not use it for cooking. Instead, cook the food first before using your salt.

As I have said, black truffle salt is an expensive ingredient. I bought mine at Caravel Gourmet and it’s a whopping $30 a jar! But this expensive salt will last for a long time. My current truffle salt jar is 2 years now from the time I first opened it!

So here are the things that are worth your black truffle salt!


You can slice an avocado, sprinkle it with your black truffle salt and eat it raw. You can also eat it with toast and olive oil if you are into bread. I’ll promise you: having a a little bit of truffle salt with put your avocado treat into a whole new level of avocado experience!

Mac and Cheese

For some people, adding truffle oil to mac and cheese is a little bit gross because adding the truffle oil to the richness of the mac and cheese is quite a lot to handle. Some would intentionally cut the salt while preparing the mac and cheese and then sprinkle it with black truffle salt just before serving it.

Scrambled Eggs

If scramble egg is not your type of food, try a little bit of truffle sea salt as it will make your scrambled egg experience an awesome one. You can also add it with some freshly chopped/grated pecorino or parmigiano to make it even more awesome!

French Fries

Because potatoes and truffle salts are perpetually a match, French fries and black truffle salt perfectly goes together as coffee and sugar! Sprinkle some truffle salt to your French fries to make it fantastic!


If you think popcorn will also become magical with a little bit of truffle salt then you are right! But remember, you cannot do it with microwave popcorn. You have to do it traditionally with your pan and stove. But you know what, it’s worth the sacrifices! Truffle popcorn is really magical! Try it, and let us know how it goes!

Just remember, truffle sea salt cannot be taken out of limit because it can also be as harmful as an ordinary salt. And because truffle salt is really an expensive item, you should always practice good judgment before putting your truffle salt on any particular food.

Have you had a magical truffle sea salt experience? What kind of food do you put truffle sea salt on?

