Meet Trullo

3 min readSep 17, 2015

Where we share, discuss, and discover the things we love

What is the best book you’ve read? Did you tell your friends about it?

What about the last movie a friend recommended to you from afar? Did you feel connected while watching, knowing she loves it?

We’re often alone when making daily decisions. Think of those times you deferred to a bookstore’s featured title, or settled on an algorithm-suggested show on your streaming service of choice. How did those compare to the personal suggestions from friends?

Imagine always having your friends’ favorites at your fingertips.

The people closest to us have a wealth of knowledge and opinions that could enrich our own experiences — much like the compelling conversations that inevitably pop up when you’re looking through your friends’ bookshelves. We catch glimpses of these opinions, and not only do we learn about things that make our lives better, we often gain great insights about our friends and family.

We built Trullo for this very reason: to be the place where we share, discuss, and discover things we love.

Named after unique Southern Italian village huts we’ve encountered in our travels, Trullo reflects the community we envision, where we learn more about our friends and discover new favorites.

I’ve now experienced the genius of Tina Fey, thanks to Trullo!

We’re delighted with how Trullo has helped us get to know each other better. I’ve discovered books, movies, TV shows, and gadgets that I love thanks to people in my office and friends from around the world. The TV show 30 Rock is one hilarious discovery I’ve made, thanks to learning what my friends love on Trullo.

In building this app and community, I’ve formed deeper connections with the people I work with, and feel closer to friends I miss. I’ve watched movies my friends back in Russia have been sharing on Trullo. I feel more connected with them knowing we’ve seen the same things; a more meaningful bond than passively reading their updates or looking at pictures of their vacations.

There’s so much knowledge locked in all of our brains, nuanced thoughts about the things we love best. It is truly powerful to have this information network available to us.

Today’s release of Trullo, focused on movies, TV shows, books, and gadgets, is just the first step in making our knowledge available to help our friends. What other categories would you want to see?

We hope you’ll join our community and let us know what you think.

-Artem, Founder of Trullo

