Fire of the Holy Spirit

4 min readJul 11, 2024


The New Testament church (during Pentecost) did not have good instruments, equipment’s, music, and large buildings, but they had the fire of the Holy Spirit. It had the fire of the Holy Spirit. It had disciples and believers who were filled with the Holy Spirit’s fire in an abundant and overflowing way. They had and carried the fire everywhere. Everything in them was on fire, and everywhere they used to go was lit on fire. The fire of the Holy Spirit was everywhere. This fire produced many miracles and wonders. When the shadow of disciples fell on people, they were healed. There was fire in the preachers, in the pulpits, and in the congregation. Fire was everywhere. Even when they were in jail or about to be stoned, their words were fiery and full of fire. This fire exposed sin, and sinners were unable to stand it.

Fire was something that was never missing from the New Testament church. The New Testament church prayed with the fire of the Holy Spirit and even slept in this fire. There was never any lukewarmness in this church. The demons trembled at the people filled with this fire. A lot of people were added to the church because of this fire.

The disciples did not take money with them(on their travel), but rather they took this fire with them. Satan found it impossible to extinguish this fire. A people with this fire cannot hide it. This fire is contagious, and a person with this fire spreads it to everyone around him. When a person is going through trials and temptations, this fire keeps on increasing. This fire kept the New Testament church burning till their final breath. The fire of the Holy Spirit was everywhere. They were filled with the Holy Spirit’s fire everywhere, even while preaching, sleeping, or alone. The fire of the Holy Spirit was a crucial part of the New Testament church.

In this generation, the churches have large buildings, big preachers, and beautiful music, but the fire of the Holy Spirit is missing. The church has replaced the fire of the Holy Spirit(which mainly affects the heart)with the exterior splendour, music and large infrastructure, rendering people crippled. The church is doing a lot of things without the fire of the Holy Spirit. People have become emotional believers rather than fire-filled Holy Spirit believers. The sermons are good and motivating, but they do not have an impact on people’s hearts. The sermons inspire people, yet they do not lead them to repentance or following God’s ways. The only reason is that the fire of the Holy Spirit is missing.

It’s very rare to see pulpits on fire, altars with people in need of repentance, and demons trembling. Because the fire of the Holy Spirit is missing, people are preaching motivational sermons rather than sermons that lead to repentance, musicians are using music to play with people’s emotions, people are standing on God’s respected pulpits without being called, preaching does not bring a holy reverence and fear of God that brings a conviction of sin on believers’ lives, and there is no testimony in believer’s and preachers’ lives. Preachers deliver powerful sermons, yet their impact on the lives of believers is negligible.

In Azuza street revival, people are scared to approach the pulpit, and even the man of God used in revival hides when God’s Glory comes. So many times people and preachers are performing tasks in God’s church without being called to do so. There is no apparent separation between the work done in the church. The church has replaced God’s fire with a strange fire which turns believers into emotional Christians. The saddest part about our generation is that believers have no idea what God’s fire is, have never experienced God’s fire, and preachers have no idea how to bring God’s fire.

The church thinks it has accomplished a lot in terms of evangelism, but without fire of the Holy Spirit it has done very little. When Paul preached with this fire, 3000 people were baptized and added to the church that day. In our generation, it’s different; 3000 preachers are saving a handful of people. We don’t realise how much lukewarm we have become. We always talk about old stories of miracles, the same set of people changed but no new people were added to God’s kingdom. Preachers preaching with the fire of the Holy Spirit is a very rare sight in the pulpits. Because there is no fire of God in the pulpits, there is no fear of God or reverence for God in believers lives.

Believers are playing with sin, comfortably sitting in the service and enjoying the sermons without being convicted of sin. It is so sad to see that the sermons do not create a fear of God and conviction that leads to repentance. Believers in sin enjoy the sermons without being convicted of sin. All of this is because the fire of God is missing in our churches and nation. The church appears to be big and beautiful from the outside, but inside it is lukewarm without any fire of Holy Spirit. Today if you are reading this article, plead and ask God to send His fire on this land once again.

Fall on your faces and with tears ask God to send His fire once again on this land. His fire is the only remedy for the lukewarmness that has crept and infiltrated the church. Only God’s fire can realign the church to God’s plan and hasten the second coming.

