Free Shortest Route (from scratch) to Becoming a Web Developer

9 min readJan 19, 2019

Web development is a field that will never get outdated or disappear from the scene. Ever since the Internet was first introduced, the scope of web development has only grown upward, and today as of 2019, there is no field that doesn’t require (at least) a website. This field has great job potential and there is no better time than now to become a web developer (and start earning).

But, where and how should I start?

This is a good question. The modern website is no longer just like what it was 20 years ago with only text and some images. There are a lot of things, technologies, and tools you need to know. It’s very easy to get lost.

This guide will show you the direction and the free shortest route to master web development with a focus on the Holy Trinity of Web: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Hence, don’t criticize me if you don’t see PHP, Ruby, or other technologies, or programming languages mentioned in this post.

Front-end, Back-end, or Full Stack?

It’s important to start with the end in mind. As Web development has grown and now it is pretty complicated, you should know what you want to be before starting your adventure. Let’s take a look at career options for you.

