What screams “I’m from the upper class”? — Top characteristics of high-class people

5 min readDec 21, 2018

Upper class — this is a term about a noble social class with a lot of admiration. These people are very rich and normally, their immense wealth has been passed through many generations. However, in many cases, it is impossible to tell if a person is from this noble class if you only look at how she/he spends money. It is because many high-class men lead a frugal lifestyle and do not really like to show off. Nevertheless, they still share some common traits which I will introduce to you in this post. Read on and get enlightened!

Silent, innate confidence

It is very rare to see an upper-class person being pushed around. The way they act and talk may even be considered arrogant sometimes. But they have all the reasons to do so. There is no need for them to try to prove anything to anyone. Hence, they are cool and collected. These people tend to look a person in the eye and speak their mind.

Buying high-end things not for reactions

Many people say that the upper class does not buy luxury and only the rich, arrogant idiots spend tons of money for extremely expensive products or services. However, it is not true, not even a bit. Luxury brands like Rolex, Hermes, Christian Louboutin,… exist because the wealthy class buys them. They buy expensive goods because these products are extremely well-made, hold their values and are suitable for some certain events…

