Delete Multiple URLs in Google Search Console: Bulk URL Removal Tool

Phạm Văn Trung
3 min readFeb 6, 2023

Instead of having to delete each link individually in Google Search Console, this Web Extension helps you solve the problem automatically.

Reason for Deleting Multiple URLs in Google Search Console

Everyone will have different purposes.

  • Removing a non-existent link is a 404 error for too long.
  • A website being linked to bad sites can have a negative impact on its ranking.
  • Remove any private pages that have been inadvertently indexed by Google to hide them from search results because I want to keep the site secure.
  • Delete and refresh the index content displayed on Google that has been hacked and injected with malicious code.
  • It’s too tedious to delete each one. For example, if there are a few thousand URLs to delete on a site, it’s better to delete them manually.
  • Resolve URL errors for better SEO

Update current Google Search Console drawbacks:

Currently, Google only exports up to 1k URLs, so you should fix and validate them first, then download the file and validate again.

Validation time is 1–2 weeks. So for those who have more than 1k URLs, the fixing time will be longer due to waiting for new links. But it’s better to do it than not to do it.

Installation Google Search Console: Bulk URL Removal Tool

After installation, prepare the sample data file for the extension:

Download the sample file from Google Search Console.

Export 404 URLs from Google Search Console

After you unzip and get 3 files, use the file Table.csv to upload to the extension.


Select Import CSV => Upload a file => Then press the Import CSV button.

Then go back to Google Search Console => Removals => Open Popup and select according to your needs.

Temporarily remove all URLs from Google memory within 6 months.

To have a permanent effect, after deleting the URL on Google Search Console, it should be combined with one of the following methods:

  • Change the 404 status (no longer exists on the domain).
  • Redirect 301 direct link.
  • Set a password for the page.
  • Change the page to Noindex. You must edit the sitemap (this way is not recommended).
  • Block with Robot.txt (This way is not recommended)

Clear cached to delete the displayed content on Google without deleting the URL.

Using the two options, Temporarily Remove and Clear cached, are similar. As in the example above, we delete URLs that are not on our site. This is because people who recontent from other places link to our website incorrectly. Of course, since the link does not exist on our site, it causes an error.

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