The First NFT Collection in the History of Vietnam Currency Notes: The Untold Stories

Trustkeys Network
3 min readNov 29, 2022

Did you ever imagine that the old and familiar Vietnam currency notes could get a new look and feel? Did you know that there are hidden stories behind them? Well, if not, now you do!

With the introduction of the new generation of cashless payment methods, the usage of traditional paper money has declined to a great extent in Vietnam. However, it is not lost forever; on the contrary, it has found its way back with a brand-new look.

The New Generation Currency (NGC) series that started circulating from November 2018 has triggered a substantial increase in interest among Vietnamese people. This is mainly because they are more aesthetically pleasing and have hidden messages. If you have one of these rare NGC bills in your possession or know someone who does, read on to find out what they say!

A brief history of Vietnam currency notes

Mr. Thng Tien Tat, former Chairman of the Singapore Business Association in Vietnam, author of the book “Vietnam Currency Notes: The Untold Stories” — has been passionate about collecting Vietnamese currency notes, wishing to introduce the collection to Vietnamese readers with this approach. More than 171 specimens of Vietnamese currency notes are NFTized as a PRECIOUS COLLECTION, including rare ones. All NFTized currency notes are from the current collection that Mr. Thng Tien Tat owns.

Mr. Thng Tien Tat is the former Country Director of UOB Bank in Vietnam. As an expert in banking, he has a passion for currencies and paper money. Living in Vietnam since 2001, he has a deep affection for the country and wishes to contribute somewhat to Vietnamese society. This collection will help people have a basic understanding of how the images printed on ancient Vietnamese currency notes reflected the circumstances and perspectives of that period. The images contain very unique stories, as part of history wrapped up in a shell of time.

Mr. Thng Tien Tat wishes to see the teenagers, students and adults enjoy and appreciate the story of the currency notes that have been developed and associated with a part of the history of this beautiful country. Appreciating the collection as a meaningful work and with admiration for the author, TRUSTKEYS NETWORK HAS COOPERATED EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE AUTHOR TO NFTIZED THE COLLECTION with the aim of spreading the historical value of Vietnamese currency.

Collectors who own Vietnamese currency note NFTs will get preferential privileges from TrustKeys Network, including:

  1. From November 14th to December 18th:
  • From 12h-14h every day, the first 10 people that own any NFT in the collection: Get 100 FCUP22 immediately and have the opportunity to get iPhone 14 Pro Max from Trustkeys.
  • Each week, the person who owns the highest number of NFT in the collection: Get 300 FCUP22 immediately and have the opportunity to get an iPhone 14 Pro Max from Trustkey

2. Later stages:

  • TrustKeys will update more programs. Note: the earliest participants will always receive special preferences at later stages. JOIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO RECEIVE MORE PRIVILEGES FROM TRUSTKEYS!

Below is an overview of the series in the collection arranged over time, helping NFT collectors of Vietnam Currency notes to visualize the development of Vietnamese currency according to the modern calendar.

