Keep It Moving (K.I.M.)

A motivational phrase

Marla J. Albertie
3 min readAug 1, 2019
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

I started saying, “Keep it Moving,” about six to seven years ago. I would tell my coaching clients all the time to just “keep it moving.” Whatever the “it “was in their lives I told them to not allow it to keep them complacent or stagnant. We all have an “it” in our lives. In fact, we may have more “its” than we desire. How we respond to the “it” is what matters. “It” will never stop; “it” will keep showing up.

Keep it Moving is my motivational phrase, or should I say, motivational movement. This phrase is nothing new. I simply adopted something and decided this was one method I would use to help my clients. And I have done just that. Hell, I even had T-shirts made. I was on to something, so I thought.

Then something hit me…

Not once did I think “Keep it Moving” was for me. I truly believed this was something I could use to help others. Then I had to realize, “Wait a minute Marla, YOU should Keep it Moving (Well, duh! light bulb moment).” I have had to “Keep it Moving through so many events in my life. This motivational phrase wasn’t just for me to help others; it was for me!

Here are just a few times in my life I’ve had to “Keep it Moving:”

1. I had to keep it moving through job layoffs.



Marla J. Albertie

I/O Consultant|Coach|Life-Harmonizing Strategist|AcademicEntrepreneur|Author|Educator. Want harmony in your life? Go here: