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Top 10 Teeth-Whitening Tricks

Orion Davis
5 min readMay 13, 2017

Whiter teeth makes people smile big and silly more often. They help elevate their self-esteems and get them more revved up to better themselves in other ways. Whiter teeth gets more people back outside & having fun and more of the good attention. Folks also get more courageous and confident.

Whitening solutions have provided help over the years & some of those have become staples.

Hydrogen Peroxide Is Still A Good Option

Purchase a container of hydrogen peroxide up to three percent and make sure to double-check the levels & stability with the pros before using. Examine the instructions to get a better understanding of it.

Utilize it for about 2 minutes if you mix it with baking soda & do not swallow it. Make sure to rinse your teeth after brushing your teeth with that mixture. Refrigerate the hydrogen peroxide immediately after using it for the first time and pull it out when need to.

Combining Lemons and Baking Soda

Lemons are good for miscellaneous uses around the house and so is baking soda. It will be so wise to put those two together and place the mixture on a toothbrush. Brush your teeth in a circular motion for at least two minutes.

Let the lemon-baking soda toothpaste remain on for about one minute after brushing.The mixture will go to war for your teeth make your mouth happy.

Bleaching the Teeth Safely and More Effectively

There are some more options for bleaching the teeth & one of them is called Smartbleach. It was made after they did research over the years. The dentist will make sure that the teeth are so clean then the gums will be covered with something to seal them off from the operation.

Smartbleach goes on the teeth then a light in the shade of green. The therapy can be done with their Smartlight 3LT or with a laser and no acid actions. The tooth enamel receive less harshness & growth of the molecules gets halted.

The Surprises of Apple Cider Vinegar

The apple cider vinegar help get rid of bacteria in the mouth so it is another awesome choice for teeth-whitening. It does have the magnesium, enzymes, potassium, pH, and probiotics inside it. Apple cider vinegar also have acetic acid that certainly works in favor of the teeth to an extent.

That specific vinegar can be massaged on the teeth for about one minute each session then rinsed off. You also can lightly brush your teeth with it.

Brushing More Frequently

You can brush your teeth after devouring breakfast, lunch, snacks, & dinner to help keep your teeth in wonderful condition. So come up with a solid plan for cleaning your teeth more frequently and stick to it. Do place an accountability chart on the bathroom wall to view to track your progress.

Use Coconut Oil

The coconut oil does a good job at removing the bacteria from the mouth. The lauric acid within it is a very tough fighter & it is a strep mutans-inhibitor. The coconut oil goes through the teeth to find foolishness that cause mouth issues. A tablespoon of the oil need to be used as a mouthwash with no gargling.

You can do it from 5 up to 20 minutes, hurl the coconut oil out of your mouth into the trash, then rinse your mouth with water. Coconut oil is a magnificent option to use.

The Tongue Needs to Be Brushed Too

You should floss your tongue & brush it too reduce the amount of bacteria that gets on it. Brush your tongue from the back to the front & stop to run water on the toothbrush immediately after bringing it forward. Repeat those important steps to ensure that you’re getting rid of the bacteria each time after you come to the front.

Get Some Cauliflower

Cauliflower is so great for the teeth and it helps make the saliva work hard to battle plague. Cauliflower takes some time to crunch and eat. So while those two actions are being done, it does become like some scouring pad to get rid of nonsense.

It have the vitamin B6. the protein, fiber, potassium, vitamin K, phosphorous, the folate, the vitamin C, & the riboflavin. Cauliflower also have magnesium, thiamin, manganese, and niacin.

Crushed Strawberries and Whole Strawberries

Strawberries contain the malic acid and it’s a marvelous acid for the teeth. You can crush them into a solution for your teeth or consume them whole. You can also make the bold, baking soda-strawberry toothpaste that works well.

Strawberries have the iodine, omega-3 fats, vitamin C, fiber, biotin, folate, vitamin B6, copper, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, and magnesium.

Apples Are Awesome

Apples are superheros too & they empower the teeth after saving them. The apples scrub unwanted stuff teeth to help keep them clean. The apples have glucose, frutose, insoluble & soluble fiber, vitamin C, some choline, vitamin B12, the beta-carotene, vitamin K, the iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, boron, folate, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin B3.

The Conclusion

Hydrogen peroxide in the three percent container still need to have its levels and stability checked twice before utilizing it on your teeth. The combination of lemons and baking soda put in work for the teeth.

Bleach your teeth more safely & effectively with an option called Smartbleach but you have to make a trip to the office of a dentist.

Apple cider vinegar have magnesium, the enzymes, pH, and the potassium. It eliminates bacteria from teeth and apple cider vinegar can be put on the teeth and caressed. Brushing after eating your food will help keep your teeth whiter also.

The lauric acid that’s in coconut oil locates lots of bacteria & the food particles and get that stuff out of the mouth. The tongue should be flossed & brushed to reduce bacteria that dwells on it.

Cauliflower makes saliva work hard to put up good fights against the plague because it takes some time to crunch & eat. Strawberries have malic acid that get teeth looking much better. The strawberries can be crushed into a solution for the teeth or devoured whole.

Apples save teeth and scrub unwanted stuff from them. So now you know that more can be done to get your teeth whiter and keep them that way.

