How-To Install and Setup: Azure Arc, (AMA) Azure Monitor Agent and (DCR) Data Collection Rules for sending Linux Syslog to Sentinel for Threat Hunting and Security Monitoring with AuditD

Truvis Thornton
5 min readMay 4, 2024


With the retirement of Legacy Log analytics, this will go over the new way on how to send logs into Sentinel using Linux using Azure Arc and DCR. This give additional flexibility and control over our endpoints and which logs we want to send in to Sentinel.

VM Setup

Machine Prep

The first part is to prep our VM for Azure Arc.

This first thing is to download and install the needed tools as these are not generally found in the repos. You can change the url to fit your distro and select the latest version to install.


Once we download it, we can install it.

dpkg -i azcmagent_1.40.02664.1492_amd64.deb

You can always test to ensure it works by running azcmagent

Future prep. We will need python so you can map it now to avoid getting a python not found, map it. Or you can use either Python3 or 2.7 manually when we install the AMA Forwarder.

AuditD Install and Setup

First lets install AuditD, this varies by OS and the machine must not be a virtualized kernel as we need to hook into the kernel to log syscalls.

We can use “apt-get install auditd” for our Debian machine.

The file we will want to edit will be /etc/audit/audit.rules in this case. (will vary based on OS)

Reminder: AuditD logs EVERYTHING. We will go over how to properly tune and use AuditD in other videos and articles but for now lets logs everything.

We can add the following to the file and restart auditd “systemctl restart auditd”

-a exit,always -F arch=b64 -S all
-a exit,always -F arch=b32 -S all

If this is too noisy, consider the following:

-a exit,always -F arch=b64 -S execve
-a exit,always -F arch=b32 -S all

This will log everything for 32Byte executables which you shouldn't be seeing anymore and probably an exploit or something weird.

The top will only log commands being execute for 64 byte executables which is much more manageable.

If you would like to deploy managed rules, you could search github for things like this for production environments.

Finally, we need to send AuditD logs to Syslog for collection.

Add the following to /etc/rsyslog.d/11-auditd.conf and restart rsyslog.

$ModLoad imfile
$InputFileName /var/log/audit/audit.log
$InputFileTag tag_audit_log:
$InputFileStateFile audit_log
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFileFacility local6

Azure Arc Setup

Next is to navigate to Azure Arc under Azure and lets add a resource.

go to add machine:

Do generate script:

Configure your location variables

It will give you a script. Copy this script to a file named and run it

Add “#!/bin/sh” to the top of the script and chmod u+x and run ./

This will then install the Arc Service. When it runs, it will ask you to open a URL. Open that URL, enter the code, sign in, and accept. The script will then finish installing.

You should now see your machine listed under Azure Arc

You can install the following extensions. The SSH is nice as it allows you to access SSH from within Azure. And the other will allow us to send logs into Sentinel

Sentinel Setup

Navigate to your Sentinel Instance, and then go to the AMA Data Connector for Syslog.

Next lets create a Data Collection Rule

Lets fill out the information

Lets select our Azure Arc Linux Machines

Because this a Threat Hunting and detection machine, we want to log everything and anything so we have all the visibility we need to build detections. We can always fine tune our logging locally once we narrow in on what we need for productions.

Keep going next till you create the DCR.

Next lets go back to the connector and download and install the AMA Forwarder:

Now go to Sentinel and check for logs

In a future article we will talk about tuning down and filtering what we don’t want or need along with a crash course in rsyslog/syslog mechanics.

We will talk about building a Parser next for these logs going in.

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Truvis Thornton

🛡Cyber Defense Architect 🕵🏼‍♂️Threat Hunter/Researcher 👨🏻‍🔬Detection Engineer 👨🏻‍💻SIEM/SOAR/SOC 💡Follow for new ideas and solutions