Asylum Ireland
6 min readMar 25, 2018

WASHINGTON, March 24, 2018: Enforced by the Eurozone’s elites, the relentless tsunami of Middle Eastern and African asylum seekers now threatens to overwhelm the Republic of Ireland. Here is just one example. Recent news reports from predict that the small County Clare village of Lisdoonvarna — population 300 — could soon find itself overwhelmed by outsiders. The reason? A government-forced resettlement of 115 so-called asylum seekers from various countries in Africa.

Lisdoonvarna: Ground Zero for an Irish national disaster?

Ireland, like other Eurozone countries, has been forced to absorb its allocation of Middle East and African aliens who will never assimilate. What is happening in Lisdoonvarna is like a canary in a coal mine. This pending action by the government to cram such an unreasonable number of migrants into this tiny municipality would increase by one-third the current population of this quaint, tourist-friendly locale on Ireland’s West Coast.

93 percent of Lisdoonvarna’s residents promptly voted against this unasked-for population boom by a margin of 193–15. The response from the Irish government was ironic at best. For now, exactly 15 “asylum seekers” are to be housed at the village’s imposing King Thomond Hotel, with more to follow later.

The website for the King Thomond Hotel currently describes the establishment as a “classic regency styled hotel in the famous spa town of Lisdoonvarna.” A three-star luxury hotel, it boasts “65 luxury ensuite bedrooms, a cozy hotel bar, superb cuisine, and an elegant dining room.” Happy guests can look forward to ensuite bathrooms, TVs, hairdryers, heating, radios, satellite TVs, telephones and kettles.

In addition, the hotel’s website promises “personal care and attention provided to each guest.” This “is the most important asset that allows us to provide you not just accommodation but unforgettable memories…” Better yet, the hotel stands in the center of town on the only road in Lisdoonvarna.

Trip Advisor, Kayak, and Google give the hotel glowing reviews. But the magical experience of Lisdoonvarna may soon no longer available to eager paying tourists. Hotel owner Marcus White will now be constrained by an exhaustive 29-page “memorandum of agreement” (MOA) straight from the Irish government.

A Memorandum of Agreement from On High

Issued by the Minister for Justice and Equality in Dublin, the MOA allocates responsibility for its enforcement to Ireland’s “Reception and Integration Agency.” The document makes it clear that the King Thomond must cater only to the needs of present and future “asylum seekers” who inhabit the hotel.

The MOA, essentially a commercial contract between the “minister for justice and equality” and purveyors of services for the “reception and care of asylum seekers” consists of a preamble/citation, 16 clauses, and five appendices, all designed to ensure the welfare of unfortunate victims of social and political injustice.

The MOA also functions as proof of evidence from the Irish government to its EU masters that compliance is in full swing. This is European virtue-signaling at its finest and most public.

A template of the contract in question, used by Irish Deep State officials since 2016, is available here. Earlier versions appear to have been used to engage services on behalf of “asylum seekers” since 2000.

What the asylum seeker contract requires

According to sources, contractors have already made millions of euros housing the non-Irish in Ireland. But they receive funding only by conforming to performance requirements detailed in the government contracts they sign.

For example, contractors must agree that their centers can be used only for receiving and caring for those asylum seekers they are responsible for. (Hence the tourist drop-off at King Thomond). Under the contract, Mr. White must inspect every unit of his “adequately furnished” establishment at least weekly.

Regarding that last requirement, the contracts specify that approved units must minimally contain the following.

  • A television with the following channels as a minimum with a reasonable choice: (e.g). RTE 1; Network 2; TV3; TG4; BBC 1; BBC 2; ITV and Channel 4
  • At least one electrical outlet suitable for the attachment of electrical equipment
  • An effective means of heating capable of maintaining, when required, a room temperature of 20° Celsius [68° F]
  • One or more fitted smoke alarms, and fire evacuation advice notice
  • Each bedroom must contain furniture, fittings, and equipment of good quality for sleeping, storage, including hanging clothing.
  • Each bathroom must contain a bath or shower made by an approved manufacturer that allows for the continuous supply of hot and cold water and the disposal of waste.
  • Natural or artificial ventilation must be provided, as well as “the usual accessories, e.g. mirror, towel rail, clothes hooks, bath mat, seat, and a clean and ample supply of toiletries, e.g., soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc., all the items set out in the inventory and shall be suitable for their anticipated use.”

More legal requirements for “asylum seeker” housing contractors

In addition, Mr. White “shall be responsible for repairs and/or replacement of any items damaged or broken.” In fact, says the contract, “All internal and external maintenance shall be performed.”

To emphasize this point, various punitive measures can be imposed on contractors if they do not meet these terms. Contractors must also indemnify the government against any damage that might occur to their own property or to the asylum seekers they house.

Does Ireland’s government treat down-on-their-luck citizens as well as asylum seekers?

Whether or not the contractors actually provide all of the services and amenities detailed in the contract, the Irish government lists them as requirements for asylum seekers. Do needy Irish citizens receive exactly the same percs and similar treatment?

There is no question that the Irish are among the most generous and kind-hearted people in the world. More than most Western Europeans, they themselves have suffered significant oppression and dislocation in the past.

But charity still begins at home.

The number of homeless Irish men and women in the Republic has tripled in only three-and-a-half years, according to sources. Does the Irish government offer the same the generous public assistance amenities to downtrodden Irish citizens as it does to “asylum seekers”?

Ireland: Heading for a Swedish-style disaster?

Other European countries worry about the increasing foreign invasion of Ireland. Concerned citizens from at least one these countries take Ireland’s situation very seriously.

Sweden currently finds itself overrun by increasingly violent waves of “asylum seekers.” Recently, a small but growing number of highly alarmed Swedes thinks that Ireland has joined the madness. These Swedes typically admire the Irish people. But they fear that, as in Sweden, the Irish will eventually face the imported violence the Swedes currently confront. They attribute Ireland’s looming socio-economic disaster to the social justice lunatics the Irish elect to office.

One Swedish group posted a video last week commenting on Ireland Project 2040. In this video, Sanity4Sweden begs the Irish to rethink their situation and vote out the crazies in 2021.

Do Ireland and the EU realize that taxpayer-funded charity begins at home?

There is no argument about the necessity and value of providing assistance to homeless individuals. Indeed, they are not entirely neglected in Ireland.

Does the Irish Government care for its own tired and poor the the same way they treat “asylum seekers”? Do the homeless native Irish get regular housekeeping? Do disadvantaged Irish citizens get identical opportunities, resources, and respect? If so, does it come free of charge like “asylum seekers” will receive in Lisdoonvarna?

And here’s larger question. Will there even be an Ireland (or a Sweden) when the “asylum seekers” become a majority?

We will explore these and other important questions in future articles.

Next: More on the cleaning and catering services provided for “asylum seekers.” Also: The standards expected of the Irish employees providing services to non-Irish asylum seekers. And more.
